So Spotify recently changed from a green heart and a block song button to and + and a - for liking and disliking. What is your opinion?

My personal preference would be to bring back the green heart and make a deep red broken heart.

And I know spotify is proprietary yada yada I don’t care for music streaming. So pls don’t let it be a part of the discussion.

To reference this is an old screenshot I found on the internet.

  • I pay for premium. Unfortunately, I get full screen pop ups Spotify refers to as “sponsered suggestions”. Ranging from a survey, podcasts, audiobooks, family plans, new artists they want me to like, etc.

    To me, they are irritating and as a monthly subscriber, I should not have them. I am happy they do not plauge you. I consider you very lucky.

    • XbSuper
      11 year ago

      Hmm, I consider myself lucky as well then. Maybe it’s because I’m on a family plan? Idk, I’m just spitballing here.