That’s half the main games price… Just don’t buy it
ok ill add some other info i dont want this to sound like a mindless bashing
BUGS as of patch 2.01
in a quest you need to alternate between your face and another character. everytime after the switch the Start menu would be unavailable, only fix is to save and reload the game(you change clothes like 4 times in that quest and it gets bugged every time)
character getting ejected into the air while leaving a vehicle for no reason
character getting stuck into vehicles if you approach them too fast and the world freezing in solidarity
quest markers not getting updated
quests taking over your your tracked quest for no reason
characters sending you texts while you are talking to them
OK that’s your opinion. If you are poor and/or from a low income country that’s even understandable.
OTOH, 3 million people thought otherwise and bought it. Wake me up when you have made a game and an expansion for it for 3 people, let’s see how buggy those are. I will take the time to online shit-talk about those, too!
What a shit take lmao
You don’t like a AAA game? Make ur own AAA game lmao gotem
I cant even…
I don’t have a bone in this fight, but that’s a really dumb take. Crapware like FIFA sells millions of copies, by your logic they’re amazing shit.
How is your upvote ratio positive dude
Beehaw doesn’t have downvotes enabled. We try to be positive here.
That sounds really stupid.
tells you anything you need to know about this sub i guess…