That’s half the main games price… Just don’t buy it


ok ill add some other info i dont want this to sound like a mindless bashing

BUGS as of patch 2.01

  • in a quest you need to alternate between your face and another character. everytime after the switch the Start menu would be unavailable, only fix is to save and reload the game(you change clothes like 4 times in that quest and it gets bugged every time)

  • character getting ejected into the air while leaving a vehicle for no reason

  • character getting stuck into vehicles if you approach them too fast and the world freezing in solidarity

  • quest markers not getting updated

  • quests taking over your your tracked quest for no reason

  • characters sending you texts while you are talking to them

  • Max_Power
    1 year ago

    50% fetch quests

    I have just played it through. What you are saying is 100% incorrect.

        171 year ago

        So … like real-life? You can abstract everything to the point that it looks trivial.

            101 year ago

            That’s subjective. I play through the game the third time currently and still enjoy it.

                121 year ago

                I criticized your chosen abstraction. “go there talk to somebody and come back” is basically the definition of most interactions. That describes “going shopping”, “going to work”, “going to a customer” and in extension describes almost every quest in every game. That discriminates nothing of value.