Das ist das erste Mal, das ich unbedingt ein Wahlplakat klauen will und es zuhause aufhängen
Aus rechtsschutztechnischen Gründen, lieber BND, würde ich es natürlich nie machen
Das ist das erste Mal, das ich unbedingt ein Wahlplakat klauen will und es zuhause aufhängen
Aus rechtsschutztechnischen Gründen, lieber BND, würde ich es natürlich nie machen
Even if they had permission from the Ottomans - it’s beyond meaningless.
It’s like arguimg Britain had permission from France to take [random African artifact located im a French colony] and therefore any and all claims by the affected country are now void.
Uh I had to quickly look at Wikipedia but apparently the reason it’s transcribed with Ph is:
At the time these letters were borrowed, there was no Greek letter that represented /f/: the Greek letter phi ‘Φ’ then represented an aspirated voiceless bilabial plosive /ph/, although in Modern Greek it has come to represent /f/.)
And so out of the various vav variants in the Mediterranean world, the letter F entered the Roman alphabet attached to a sound which the Greeks did not have.
So Greeks pronounced Phi differently from F and somehow someone decided that it should be transcribed as Ph because it sounded different from the transcriber’s sound of F. Maybe the Phi symbol just looked like a P.
You see, there is exactly one person working for newspapers who is in charge of writing articles.
Whenever they write something criticizing something I am obsessed with, it’s the only article posted on a given day and meant to distract the sheeple from some other horrific thing going on at the same time. That’s not whataboutism, it’s different because I’m doing it.
No, it’s serious. I’ve been smashing my Nintendos ever since they’ve gone woke. Go woke, go BROKE after all.
Having to repurchase my consoles all the time gets really expensive after a while though
Smh just learn Ancient Greek:
philosophy <=> φιλοσοφία <=> Phi Iota Lambda Omicron Sigma Omicron Phi Iota Alpha
How do you know they’re not in the toilet stall next to yours?
Display the exact value of pi with 64 digits in any base N number system.
We also know building nuclear takes 20 years and costs more than building thrice the capacity in renewables + Germany has no long-term nuclear storage, only temporary one’s a la Simpsons.
I’m sure people who accept the realistic risk of drowning - most cannot swim - will be discouraged by the threat of… being in a prison with better living conditions than their home?
deleted by creator
Do you think the people who fear migration care the slightest bit about anyone but themselves?
An awful number of them would support attacking rafts filled with refugees with military warships.
Die Interpretation ist die Brandmauer.
Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar
Gebt einer faschistischen Partei die Gerichte und siehe da: Die Todesstrafe ist gar keine Verletzung der Menschenwürde (vorausgesetzt der Tod ist schnell, man soll ja glaubwürdig wirken).
unverletztliche und unveräußerliche Menschenrechte
Und auch hier kann man Definitionen beliebig definieren. Z.B. Artikel 9 UN-Menschenrechtskonvention verbietet willkürliche Festnahmen, trotzdem hat Bayern bis zu 2 Monate Präventivhaft. Sind ja nur 0.2% des gesamten Lebens einer Person, das muss man ja aushalten können.
Tommy Tallarico must be devastated
Ich dachte es wäre ein Auto- (bzw. Fahrrad-) Navi gemeint, das die erwartete Ankunftszeit in Echtzeit berechnet
Der Handlungszwirbler: Es ist der DB Navigator
While they can do so, that’s a very effective way to permanently destroy relations between the EU and the US. The US will be unable to effectively project power onto both Europe and the Middle East once the military bases in Europe are closed down in the aftermath. It will be the US’s biggest loss in soft power since its founding.
J is in lower case too, the line on the right of the i is shorter than the others.
We can keep them indefinitely then, right? If they’re not doing anything there is no need to ever revoke them.
You see, the state simply claims to be the workers - or rather their chosen representative.
Therefore, since the state owns everything, the workers must own everything. The GDR was so far left, they even ensured workers wouldn’t accidentally self-harm their means of production through strikes, how kind of them.