Yes but for example for seizures I want a simple form, not having to type in entries. Especially for siezures, it’s normally a busy event of caring for him, having to add a seizure taking more than a minute means it probably won’t be used.
Yes but for example for seizures I want a simple form, not having to type in entries. Especially for siezures, it’s normally a busy event of caring for him, having to add a seizure taking more than a minute means it probably won’t be used.
Both good suggestions, thanks for the ideas
I didn’t know they had free tiers… I’ll look into it
Hmm…i do have a raspberry pi that isn’t being used… Since it’s asp.net should be Linux compatible… Not a bad idea
Well it’s also a learning project as through a series of events I am technically a software developer in job title who got thrown into a c# code base with databases after doing a python boot camp for 9 weeks and have no mentor to tell me what I’m doing wrong on professional projects.
Wait, so fish inhale water… Some process takes place separating the water and oxygen atoms and then they exhale the carbon dioxide and hydrogen out their gills? Or am I still completely wrong?
Very interesting thanks… Now to do more research because this has buged me
Atleast on America that is by law if publicly traded. Let’s say a company discovers something that amazing, say cure for cancer and decides they are going to give it out for free for the benefit of mankind. They can be sued and will likely lose. Only real defense would be they thought the goodwill from giving away for free would earn the shareholders more money through goodwill towards the company. A smaller scale version of this would be like a farm raising animals in non-optimal conditions (for profit but nicer to the animals like free-range instead of cages). They could argue the customers will be willing to pay a premium for that.
If not publicly traded they can do whatever they want. If governmental they should have a goal or mission statement that states what their intent is(usually it’s not profit) but if it’s publically traded legally their only motive is profit to the shareholders.
What you can do safely is get a pack of cookie dough, wait till it’s summer time(hotter the better), be in Texas, Arizona or similar state, put cookie dough on pan and leave on your dash board, go to work.
When you get out of work you’ll have fresh baked cookies and your car will smell amazing!
Taiwan is important culturally to China for history reasons. But it’s much important financially and technoly wise due to tsmc. That was the true point of the chips act so us technology wouldn’t be so reliant of Taiwan but I doubt Trump understands that.
I say you’re wrong. If in dacade we are stilling complaining about the same dev, then we have failed to teach. In a decade that junior dev should be a senior and probably better than me. If they are still junior either they don’t have the ability to progress or I failed them. Most likely I failed them…m
Ice T and Kodak Black agree that pimping ain’t easy, not sure about the roles…
No hate, just making a stupid joke
One thing to look into is their car insurance. It dropped my rate by $100 a year which was more then the cost of membership.
Fun fact about relative speeds though if you can drive at 1/5 of the speed of light you should never get a ticket for running a red light as all red light will be green due to the doppler effect. That said the speeding ticket you’ll get…
for example did you get this video question correct on first try? https://youtu.be/KB_lTKZm1Ts?si=thBBo7sI6zB5YrQS
Well, were you acting like a crybaby?
On the back up idea, remember 321 3 backups, 2 types of media, 1 off-site
I like some of their developer products that said… Wtf is with their marketing department? I’m a techy and play some games but if someone asked me to buy them a Xbox I honestly don’t know which one is best… Xbox one series S? I think??
Now atleast on Playstation I know it’s ps5 as it’s the biggest number.
You want Nintendo… Switch as it’s a different enough name to make it stick.
Imagine going to but a truck… Do you want a Ford f150, a Ford f150 series x or a ford f150 series s? Now keep in mind a Ford f150 can’t go on any roads built in last 5 years and if you pick the wrong series letter your speed is capped at 30mph…
Don’t get me started on visual studio vs visual studio code…
If this was named Mario I would check myself with a psychologist.
The irony of pointing this out when there is literally one less hour of the weekend this weekend…