You guys have a warped perspective. Besides major infrastructure, most of the issues the feds aren’t even present in. It’s almost entirely local government, and they are a lot easier to change and influence.
You guys have a warped perspective. Besides major infrastructure, most of the issues the feds aren’t even present in. It’s almost entirely local government, and they are a lot easier to change and influence.
This is one of the main reasons I don’t really like the channel.
I like the content, I like the ideas presented. That is why I watch it.
I kinda don’t like the guy though.
He also has major grass is greener syndrome in that he has distilled his entire life seemingly to the specific issues he talks about in the video and nothing else.
Like the Netherlands is his main place right? Well they are pretty damn racist over there. Even if it isn’t in your face, it’s always subtle. And to other white people. Romanians and Bulgarians get discriminated against all the time.
Example: My cousin gf (Romanian) applied for housing as as she now has an internship. Over email and the phone she was told yea there are many units available.
First time she goes to talk to them in person, all of a sudden nothing is available. Listings still show housing availability lol.
Her English is pretty good, but she has a clear accent.
So she makes my cousins (her bf) go in person. Except he doesn’t tell them he’s with her. He has better English, more neutral accent. There are units available of course.
I’m glad he refers people to other resources to check out, but……I just don’t like his attitude lol.
Still don’t. This isn’t a VISA.
I literally saw a guy earlier today in that one large memes thread trying to convince people that Eastern European countries yearn for the USSR days.
Only tankies try to do that lol.
Lemmy got rid of the auto refresh you’re referring to. No more live updates.
Na dude have fun with your honeymoon, we aren’t important haha.
Struggling to see any resolution here haha.
Can we get some more information about what the problem and solution was? Or a link to your other thread?
Can I get an explanation as to how these companies are “marketers of ai panic”?
I’m in it until this happens.
Ah you mean the channel itself. Never used it myself.
You trying to guilt people into generating content? Lol.
This isn’t a job. This is for leisure. No one should force it.
The Roku sells well? Hell from a quick search, looks like they are #1.
Well I can kinda see where they are coming from. How do you know it’s gonna stick around if it can’t make money? It isn’t even about making a profit either, but covering costs.
There are costs associated with hosting all this stuff. Right now donations are how instances keep the lights on (most of the time).
What happens when there is more and more users joining?
This is borderline toxic management lol.
I don’t like it, and will always apologize if it is my fault.
Honestly, I think its terrible advice lol. This is the type of shit that makes people not like management.
What is the proof that an admin is a nazi? What? First I’ve heard of it. Searching for it brings up no results.
Why are we taking what a stranger, who we know nothing about, word at face value? lol.
Literally full of shit lmao. Who on reddit mainstream is talking about how the US is the greatest place on Earth.
Usually its the entire other way around where Reddit is acting like the apocalypse is about to start at any point.
Here’s a new one for this thread. “People who complain about Americans over the dumbest things”. It’s straight up like you have a chip on your shoulder.
Yup I’m with you. Once the boilerplate is in place, smooth sailing from there. What OP is showing truly is the worst though lol.
Not even trying to say the Netherlands is a bad place or anything. My point was more to bring up the idea that our “just not bikes” friend is really focusing on a narrow list of things, when there are many reasons to not move somewhere new.
His idea that we should all abandon North America is just wild to me lol. There are so many other things to take into account.
My salary would drop by almost half if I got an equivalent job in Europe. Bro, this is why I live in the US to begin with lol.