Honestly, I still use the D-pad for every game I play; it’s what I’m comfortable with.
Honestly, I still use the D-pad for every game I play; it’s what I’m comfortable with.
THIS; I feel deranged, not hearing anyone else say they’ve noticed it.
Fans of Europe’s history of colonialism, I guess.
Reparations for colonialism
Continue ongoing work of turning away from exploitative systems in society such as supporting syndicalist/collectivist business structures instead of capitalism
I’m pretty certain they already consider canola oil in the bad™ group.
I’ve really enjoyed ncdu
(for those looking for a non-GUI option).
Yeah; as a black person, the whole thing was just so obviously in the vein of White Flight rhetoric, etc.
Thank you; I’ve felt like I’ve been hallucinating the past week with Lemmy doubling down on capitalism – but in our backyard – and seemingly neglecting that Europe had its own long, and currently ongoing, history of colonialism and exploration.
The reach for shoring up existing systems – but just, now, in European control – rather than establishing better ones has been massively disappointing.
It’s only cold because, if slightly anything goes awry, humanity ceases to exist.
Was there…something particularly offensive I committed by giving someone info. about software such that this necessitated a downvote?
I do imagine the thought experiment is more meaningful to those on the dying end, I’ll give you that.
Yeah…; heh, discovered some things this afternoon. Neither browser was able to load Google without crashing the tab (which, I dunno, could – maybe – motivate me to kick the habit?).
Luakit, on my distro, is v2.3.3 and I tried building to v2.4.0 but the built executable kept saying 2.3.3 for its version. I suspect this is probably more my fault, though.
Why haven’t I tried Qute?
I dunno! Heh, I feel like it’s relatively popular but I’ve also been snooping around the minimal browser space since Uzbl so maybe my perception’s off.
The biggest reason you may not have is it is based on Chromium. At the time I discovered it, the dev.'s reason was due to security issues in WebKit, at the time, but that was also 5–9 years ago so that may not be a concern, anymore.
It’s also built with QT; I generally use GTK so it’s my one gripe but I know it doesn’t bother everyone.
And it’s built on Python (I know that bothers some); but those are the only things I can think of.
It uses the same default layout that Uzbl inspired in vimprobable, dwb, jumanji, vimb, and Luakit so that’ll probably be familiar. Vim bindings out of the box (which I feel like Uzbl also inspired in all the aforementioned browsers; well, I’d guess it was inspired by the Pentadactyl/Vimperator extensions, first).
I feel like it’s the most stable of the bunch, for the most part (which is probably why I keep going back to it). It can be resource heavy but the customizability and fairly stable performance is generally pretty good.
And it got support for uBlock Origin (I’m sure there’s a generic name but I’m afraid I don’t know it) style adblock lists recently with the help of Python’s adblock
library (I hadn’t realized Luakit and Nyxt had support for that until now and it was always by major con, with Qutebrowser).
Right now, there’s a Wayland display issue in suffering with but that’s QT’s fault and isn’t present on v6.8 (but my distro’s still at 6.7.2…); so that might not even be an issue, for you.
I forget why I stopped using Luakit for Qutebrowser…
Maybe I should give it a go, again; or Nyxt. I’m probably more along as a programmer for its setup to be more intuitive.
We might even expand it to all private ownership, maybe…
Truly; it’s shocking how much people are still clinging to permissive licensing in the middle of everything going on.
I was trying to see if someone else was going to mention F. D.
Shame for yours to be at the bottom; this is a good list of choices, in general. Excellent taste.
Folding Ideas is fantastic
It shouldn’t be discounted, either, that they’re willfully abusing perception.
It’s like when they argue that voter suppression or them winning without a majority of the vote is actually what was intended because that’s why we’re a Republic and not a direct democracy.
Like, I don’t doubt that there were founders who would be sympathetic of depriving certain groups the vote (after all, they hadn’t given them the vote in the first place for that very reason) but “tyranny of the majority” very much wasn’t meant to mean outright suppression like through a carceral system.
It meant boosting minority opinions so you’d have to actually address and debate with them rather than rushing past.
But they know most people won’t have familiarity with the concept so they argue that their suppression of representation is actually a good thing, though I cannot believe anyone who’s passingly familiar with these concepts could say that and truly mean it.
Ran out of spinach, again, this week so tagged kale in (in case you wanted to see it in action):
He’s just angry the attention isn’t going to him.
story about my sister's dog that isn't related to the overall thread here but I just want to tell because it's one of my favorite memories of him (he's still alive)
I’ll never forget the one time it was so obvious my sister’s dog was jealous. My long-distance partner was visiting so we were cuddling and whatnot; and I kind of hasn’t noticed but he’s whining and running around us in the background. So my partner gets up as we were moving over slightly and the second I sit down – but before my partner has sat down in my lap – he dives into my lap and just looks up at me with the most pleading face I’ve ever seen him have, his tail doing that little timid half wag dogs sometimes do.