Vibes of “Mediterranean diet is so healthy! Chug wine, olive oil, and coffee!”
Turns out it’s better healthcare systems, big surprise. Diet ain’t fixing that.
Vibes of “Mediterranean diet is so healthy! Chug wine, olive oil, and coffee!”
Turns out it’s better healthcare systems, big surprise. Diet ain’t fixing that.
There’s no problem with someone equipped to handle violent situations being present.
The problem is if they unnecessarily escalate and get involved instead of standing by.
The solution is to dismantle the entire police system and rebuild from scratch with accountability and training.
We just need to vote for the Democrats one more time and they’ll finally do something about it right? That’s what all the funny memes here tell me. The democrats that are literally sponsored by police unions and advertise that fact endlessly.
breed is literally bred to increase aggression over hundreds of generations
nooo they just look scary they’re so cuddly noooo you don’t understand
They are objectively better insulation than polyfill lmao. Anyone that’s ever worn real down in actual conditions that require it would agree.
You had an argument in the ethical right and then threw it all away with ridiculous hyperbole.
Ahhh, and the self report comes out - as it always does.
defending a right wing think tank
uses a false definition of DEI to strawman against it
having no idea what Marxism is
Nice try, fascist! That shit doesn’t work on intelligent people. Only yall.
I bet you fancy yourself as one, eh?
Also see Hawaiian slack-key for a super unique and culturally rich style
In North Korea, the security forces have no legal obligation to actually stop crime or protect citizens, even if the incident is happening right in front of them while on duty. They are more concerned with enforcing party principles, protecting oligarchs, and the status quo.
Lmao what trite contrarian bullshit, you yourself asserted your high value in this same comment thread.
Get over yourself.
I make more btw, cheers!
Liberals pulling out a Merriam Webster definition and acting like they’re the holy good guys while making no effort to understand what liberalism even is…
Is such a liberal move I’m not even surprised anymore.
Enjoy your right wing echo chamber, real funny how that always happens when liberals and fascists get in a room together.
These .world comments are fucking wild. Really telling that the are the same people desperately trying to convince the LBGT vote while posting bigotry in the next breath.
Every time I go to (regional fast food chain) or Taco Bell or something, the line is about 1/5 poors and the other 4 are almost always a $70,000 truck or one of those ridiculous circular BMW/Benz SUVs or a decidedly non-base model Tesla.
The US has reached the point where the “haha look at the poors” food is consumed by the rich and the poors are, well…
It’s honestly hilarious how Americans refuse to wake up to class consciousness, desperately shouting about how all the other countries have it so much worse.
Even the village idiot in Iraq knows the TV media is all propaganda. Meanwhile, US corporations spending millions on campaigns against state bills is completely normal and people actually trust the signs they put up.
Lol. Lmao. This ships going down and taking the whole world with it.
How quickly people forget how major metro hospitals in the US had rows of refrigerated semi trailers because there were too many bodies
How doctors and nurses were told to wash and reuse their N95s despite it being proven to compromise their effectiveness because supplies were so low
I hope this bird flu shit blows up even worse, maybe then these dumbasses will get the message
They do, every year, at career fairs across the nations schools. It’s called divesting from the military industrial complex.
You just pretend not to see it.
This issue is brought up literally every time the Saudis are mentioned. However, your take is a fresh and interesting one that makes absolutely zero sense.
What are you doing?
Oh that’s right, nothing. Okay.
It’s not even a fucking meme in the tankiest Putin apologist communities to support Saudi Arabia.
Seriously where are you even getting this from?
You just plow through them, there’s not really much a ship that size can do
The good thing is, sea life of any kind will stop being a navigational concern within our lifetimes!
As long as it’s for personal use I don’t think Microsoft gives a shit (beyond what is legally necessary)
They care more that you’re using their software and it stays the default productivity suite for workplaces
Yeah either they’re unemployed, work from home, or have terrible IT practices where they work hahaha
Hahahahahhahaha, always so cute when they act like this.
As if this is some great “gotcha” that has never been thought of before.
And then what? After they seize the company, they continue operating and working there except the profits go to them and not some lazy parasites.
You know, the spark of joy I get from this genocide is the fact that liberals are, as they have always done throughout history, supporting the fascists completely.
I’ll try to leave some room for the next wave after I get thrown into the mass grave, after all it’s the least a liberal deserves.
I like how you completely ignored how your entire point of view makes no sense and chose to pick apart an analogy that is perfectly appropriate for the situation
You must be pretty young, just keep enjoying your days.
Stay in school and maybe you’ll find out multi-billion dollar companies manage millions of dollars in inventory and data using one analyst manually fixing incomprehensibly large Excel sheets lmao
A 5 point harness like what the pilots wear would be better
But we’re talking about people who couldn’t even wear a little fucking mask outdoors that doesn’t even restrict airflow without having a meltdown and shooting people so….