Bonus for fitting an adapter plug into a pipe fitting for an external hose that sits flush with the wall outket when plugged in.
Bonus for fitting an adapter plug into a pipe fitting for an external hose that sits flush with the wall outket when plugged in.
You missed ‘bared’?
It is what they’re saying.
How I left Bank of America:
My previous paycheck had $350 in overdraft fees that came out of my current check. Because I had automatic deposit for my paychecks they allowed for borrowing against your next paycheck.
I borrowed $500 to cover the $350 in fees they stole from me plus a $150 service as compensation for my pain and suffering, withdrew all my money, cancelled automatic deposit, and walked away.
I’m sure they sent it to collections, but looking back on it 20 years later: still worth any damage to my credit rating.
ASSC keepin’ it classy!
Because while you may not be billed for it, insurance will still pay for it.
My wedding band is titanium and wood ($17). My wife’s is silver and cubic zirconia cast as Nenya, Galadriel’s ring from LotR and made by WETA Workshop, who did the movie props ($75).
So much cooler than gold and diamonds => 3 months salary, at least for us.
it just may be different on Meraki vs ubiquiti vs Netgear
So much, this. Sonicwall certification is rote memorization of the UI.
You must not have tried to get mental health help or an orthopedist. Soonest anyone can see me is 3 months out so I will just have to continue using our emergency rooms in lieue of real healthcare.
“I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.” -Mitch Hedberg
I may never recover from my outrage over the unfloofiness of this situation.
How was the hangover?
And do you care to elaborate on the Foundation writers and personal narratives?
No laptop guns.
thenthanitsit’s fine.
Sorry, rolled Chaotic Evil on my comment reply alignnment chart.
Makes you wonder what dirt Mossad has on any of our politicians.
Which in a roundabout way is an argument for term limits; higher turnover provides less opportunity for skeletons to pile up in closets to compromise any vestigal integrity they have after becoming a politician.
Even with adblockers on and reading the article I either missed the letter or it was buried in a link.
That’s…actually acceptable to me as well. The only problem is we’ll still have highly ambitious sociopaths who want to grab the reins.
That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Related: http://www.wartoaster.com/store/p81/USB_>_Garden_Hose_converter.html