That’s the best part! Although in rare cases the flicker of recognition the other person has can mean you found an interesting person to talk to!
I am definitely a human, and therefore have a profile description, as humans do.
That’s the best part! Although in rare cases the flicker of recognition the other person has can mean you found an interesting person to talk to!
I have been known to do the same! It’s a lot of fun to work Trek references into everyday conversation.
The “Well Hello!” he gives Weyoun 8 when he walks in is good too!
Weyoun 5 was my favorite. His scene where he plays dabo, drinks the poisoned kanar, and watches Sisko and Dukat argue is great.
Damar’s first meeting with Weyoun 8 always gives me a laugh though!
It’s still a lot of money for a mug, but compared to the $150-$300 they’re selling for on eBay it’s a great deal!
Is the wider section actually hollow? I was imagining they might just have a normal round shape inside due to it being more difficult to mold.
Very tempting! All the other ones I’ve seen are quite expensive.
Yes, we already know what’s supposed to happen with him, I was thinking about Una, La’an, and Ortegas! Of course, all that is contingent on them showing the transition rather than ending a bit before that.
Yeah… I’m not looking forward to the show ending! It’s the first Trek I’ve watched as it was airing, so I’ve been enjoying it. Anyway, I’m hoping they let them go off on other adventures rather than killing them off.
It definitely could be, but I guess we’ll see. Hopefully in the spring sometime!
Well it looks like Batel is still in the cast photos!
I’ve seen people doing that, I should look into doing it sometime. I mostly use the Steam Deck for handheld emulation, but it can’t hurt to have more options!
Yeah, it gives it a really nice look!
Yeah, I should have specified I was just talking about the switches!
I was never a big fan of the “Vader” style 2600, but it seems a lot of people like the aesthetic. I was always partial to the six switch look, I just wish they would have made a Sears Video Arcade sixer with the Atari branding! I like the silver by the switches better than the black on the official ones.
I’ve still got mine, and it still works great! I sold my PSP to get a used one about a month from launch, and I’ve kept it ever since. It’s a great console, if only there were more games for it.
Nope, there were two different versions! The 6 switch is the original. (And in my opinion the better looking one!) The 4 switch came later, and still has 6 switches, they just moved the difficulty switches to the back. I believe it saved them some money and made production a little easier because everything was on one circuit board with that setup.
I’ve got to go with the 2600 as well. Mostly because of the wood grain!
It works great, at least for everything I’ve tried. Newest consoles I’ve emulated are GameCube, Dreamcast, PSP. I would recommend EmuDeck as a launcher for your games, I set it up on my and my spouse’s Decks and it’s been working really well.
In my opinion the Deck is one of the nicest options for handheld emulation right now. If you play PC games as well it’s an easy recommend.
However, if you’re only doing older console games you can get one of those emulation handhelds for a fraction of the cost. I don’t want to say you should go that route, I just want to make sure you’re aware of all the options!
I may need to get that Spock action figure! 🖖
In the promotional material it looks pretty good for the price range. Definitely better than the recent Playmates run. Do the prototypes usually look a lot better? I’m sure a little extra care is taken with them than the mass production run.
It is an enjoyable way to contribute to the OSM project! I mostly use JOSM or the iD editor for mapping, but when I only have my phone I’ll pull out StreetComplete and do a few quests.
For beginners to mapping, it’s a very easy way to contribute without the worry of messing up something!