Agreed with what you’re saying about blizzard, but I don’t regret buying D4. I enjoyed the story and playing through the classes. The thing that’s missing is the replayability. The seasons don’t do it for me and the gear is too incremental - there’s never the “holy shit it finally dropped” moment.
That’s how I do YT. The good creators usually have a consistent release schedule. The really top tier ones may only release every few months, but by only browsing subs I’m sure to catch them.
My understanding is that because it’s Linux they can customize it and trim all the fat to make the OS run as efficiently as possible, making it perfect for a portable device where you want as much processing power going to the game. You just can’t get that with Windows.
A little frustrating that they didn’t give proper credit or that it was cropped out at some point
Out of sight, out of mind? I hope that’s how I’m treated if I’m ever at rock bottom. /s
I wonder if they’re repackaged due to not meeting certain quality control thresholds, but still technically useable
Post your specs and driver versions
I’m usually the same way with open world games like The Witcher, GTA, RDR, etc, but BG3 puts the story enough on the rails to keep me focused while still letting me make critical choices and enough freedom to explore so it feels amazing when I find little secrets or Easter eggs.
My buddy has played through it twice with 40 hour runs each.
I’m still on my first playthrough at about 70 hours and close to wrapping up act 3.
Some games need huge QoL updates. I’d like to see a balance of backwards compatibility along with the ability to toggle QoL settings. Give the player a choice to play OG or with modern QoL mechanics
I didn’t say it was immoral. I’m advocating legalizing it all to eliminate the black market for it. When drugs and prostitution are legalized, there’s more transparency and oversight, reducing opportunities for bad actors.
Until prostitution is legalized and regulated, there is a higher risk of it being trafficking than not.
Awesome, eXTwitter is on the cutting edge of 10 years ago.
People have become too entitled with the idea that all information should and must be updated and accurate in the information age.
I grew up learning how to read the Rand McNally maps. Imagine if one of those maps showed a road/bridge was available only to find out it wasn’t. It’s not the map makers responsibility, nor do they have an obligation for 100% accuracy. They strive for accuracy only because it’s good for their business.
I saw in the article that they’re suing the road owners. Those are who are responsible, not Google. They took down the barricades because of “vandalism” and didn’t immediately replace them.
I work with a group based in India. They have a completely different culture around messaging. Things I would consider worthy of an email comes as a message from them (i.e. doesn’t need immediate attention/ escalation).
They are also very formal when initiating new messages, almost like they’re following the same social standards as if they met you in the hallway (e g. Hi, how are you? Btw, I have this thing I need to talk to you about.). Mind you, this is all the time after exchanging dozens of messages a day.
I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, just lends some credence to what Musk said.
If you haven’t, take some time to read 1984. It’s a fairly easy read and this thread will make a lot more sense. Also, there’s a reason it’s a timeless classic and referred to so often - Orwell hit on a lot of prevalent themes authoritarians like to use. Once you know how to identify them, it’s easy to see when someone is using something like double speak (consciously or subconsciously)
Pretty good. It has about 5 power levels for different scenarios (carpet, upholstery, curtains, etc) with the lower levels being super quiet. Even at the highest power level, I wouldn’t worry about bothering anyone by vacuuming another room.
I bought a Miele a few years ago and don’t regret it. Best vacuum I’ve ever owned. It is bagged, but in my opinion that’s better than bagless. I owned a few bagless vacuums over the years and they all have the same problem of excessive dust generation when emptying. You don’t have that problem with bags.
For me, Half-Life and Half-Life 2 modding was the golden age of FPS gaming. The life of a single game purchase was extended well beyond any expectations because of the creativity of the modders.
Unfortunately, mods like Counterstrike, Day of Defeat, and many others are getting developed and released as “Full games” now, to the detriment of the gamer and the industry.
Now we’re in the age of relatively easy to use game engines, where anyone can develop and release a game, but there are so many games flooding the market that you look at and think “Why would you release this?”. In the past, I truly believe these types of games would have been relegated to the modding scene and filtered properly through the communities to gain popularity naturally and organically rather than getting huge marketing budgets pushing us to buy the next big thing or FOMO.