Dont know what lhone you are speaking of, but on Samsung phones, the only thing that this does is disabling biometrics and notifications. Your phone stays in AFU and this does not protect you from law enforcement or other
Dont know what lhone you are speaking of, but on Samsung phones, the only thing that this does is disabling biometrics and notifications. Your phone stays in AFU and this does not protect you from law enforcement or other
I use syncthing to sync my db and it works really well.
I wonder what it might be called
Oh, OK. I just assumed color e-ink was just like bw e-ink but with colors and was similar in other aspects
Why do you say that amoled is bezter for the eyes? Is that also true for b/w e-ink?
Except for the screen
FYI this increases your fingerprintability
The guy who forked it (uazo)was a regular maintainer of bromite
This is obviously very concerning and unfortunate for the people affected by this. What I dont understand though, is why they have to collect the physical passport and not just put them on a no country exit list?
But hexbear said Russia had an economic boom thanks to the western sanctions
Have you tried cleaning it? I had the same thing happening until I removed 1mm of dust at the bottom of my charging port
Never understood how full a spoon should be
How ironic. That’s a fake Temu site. Should be pretty comparable in terms of data safety and privacy.
Nice, didnt know about /p. Always used /s with 0 sec of delay
Google to the top, they have none.
Maybe they can stop paying their CEO 7 million per year
I think they dont implement it on purpose
Quick share works on all phones now. Google’s nearby share was renamed to quick share. And there’s also a windows client now
Konsole is great on kde