As someone starting up a custom t-shirt printing business desperately in need of building a customer base, I condone this message.
As someone starting up a custom t-shirt printing business desperately in need of building a customer base, I condone this message.
Took a look at it and it didn’t grab me. Different preferences for different people. I hope Helix continues to grow but I’ve no interest in it myself.
Nothing wrong with it. I use kitty these days but when I used gnome I had no problem with gnome terminal for one off jobs and some variation of the quake terminal type apps for things I wanted to be ongoing in the background. My usage style has changed a lot since then but I’d happily use it again if I went back.
No, if you weren’t “involved in the scene” and only had the word of the person at the store then you have no idea what an iGPU is, let alone why they weren’t up to the task of running the very thing it was sold with.
You were a teenager in a time where teenagers average tech knowledge was much higher than before. That is not the same as someone who just learnt they now need one of those computer things for work. Not everyone had someone near them who could explain it to them. Blaming them for not knowing the intricacies of the machines is ridiculous. It was pure greed by Microsoft and the manufacturers.
No, it was mostly the manufacturers fault for implying that their machine would run the operating system it shipped with well. Well that and Microsoft’s fault for strong arming them to push Vista on machines that weren’t going to run it well.
At least one for each manufacturer that uses it under the hood in a Tivo-like manner
Sorry, what were we talking about again?
This is the main thing that put me off them too. Not going to use some desktop app to allow my server to send email on my behalf. I use Zoho mail now and while it isn’t perfect it does what I need.
Inbox was by far the best thing Google have done with email. Still waiting on features they had unique to that app.
I really want the Dolphin but I definitely am in no way near being able to afford it yet.
Sometimes they need to be upset before they realise what they did wrong.
You likely need to tell the uefi software to boot Grub. I can’t remember the command off the top of my head sorry but you basically need to tell it what to boot by default. Then you can let Grub handle the choice of Linux or windows. I just set up a laptop for my sister that behaved that way. No matter what I selected as default in the uefi setup it kept resetting back.
Just looked it up, efibootmgr is the command I think. https://www.linuxbabe.com/command-line/how-to-use-linux-efibootmgr-examples
Does that include Google wallet?
I’d be happy to find an alternative to Hyprland, but it was the first tiling manager that really clicked for me and (before the community issues came to light) I spent quite some time getting it set to the way I like it. I’d love for a competent fork or similar but it is well beyond my skill level to do that.
Do you have examples of this? Not being contrarian, I actually run Hyprland myself. I’m just curious where the limitations of wlroots have been.
Maggi chicken noodles.
This is the true way to enjoy dry instant noodles. Everyone else is wrong.
TRANSPARENT TERMINALS! Haha it felt so futuristic and to this day I can’t run a terminal without a little transparency. Enlightenment was my first experience of it.
Old macbooks make great Linux machines!
I think a register for each of the primes should be enough.