I’m glad to introduce to you “the Spanish get”; coger*
*Be carefull; in many Spanish speaking countries other than Spain “coger” means “to fuck”.
I’m glad to introduce to you “the Spanish get”; coger*
*Be carefull; in many Spanish speaking countries other than Spain “coger” means “to fuck”.
Fun fact: in Spaniard’s Spanish “estar constipado” means “to have a cold”.
I asume you mean “in the USA”? I mean, there are many countries in which life sentence isn’t a thing.
I asume you mean “in the USA”? I mean, there are many countries in which life sentence isn’t a thing.
Exactly. This is not a musician vs a non musician, but a musician vs a 5 years old.
As a European citizen: is it really a possibility for any US president not to do so? (Honest question, since from Europe US’s policy is seen as supporting Israel no matter what)
That must be really frustrating.
Don’t they complain about hypochondriacs?
Thanks. Just the mnemonic I needed to remember which one is each case :)
There’s a sort of misogynistic that thinks women are superior to men (and I assume that’s the reason they “hate” women). Spanish director Luis Garcia Berlanga would an example.
A friend of mine told me a long time ago: “if a windows system is behaving funny, it has to do with virus. If a Linux system is behaving funny, it has to do with permissions”
Most probably outcome from her face; disappointment.
Not sure if it’s brilliant for its convenience, or just should be illegal since it just provides a “flying” object with would be so easy to stumble on.
99.99% of population have more arms than average value.
No one showing love for ncdu around here?