This will be great for the Wine and Champagne businesses in the U.S.
What’s next? U.S. Vinho Verde?
This will be great for the Wine and Champagne businesses in the U.S.
What’s next? U.S. Vinho Verde?
oh, right. My bad!
waze was acquired by Google in 2013
this is really insightful, thanks!
I personally think that marriage is a scam in the first place. I’ve witness 20 years sweethearts split after 2-3 years of marriage. Dunno what could’ve have changed after.
So I’m staying away of that shit although I’m well aware that is something important for my sweetheart. We’ll have to find a middle term someday. Maybe throw a party with the fam and call it a marriage, I dunno, something like that.
Apologies for assuming. Sugar is the number one culprit for a “beer belly”, so you find more than enough in beer.
by experience, no. You need to stop drinking beer so often, and you need to eat less. Exercise is still a plus, but you need to sync your activity with your meals. I still eat whatever I want but in less quantities in general.
From where I’m from we have a saying: Thief that steals from a thief has 100 years of pardon.
It rhymes in my native language btw.
edit: typo
Interestingly, I became a morning person after a couple of years of being gently woken up by my cats around 7am, not with loud meowing. Now, I just enjoy waking up at that time every day, even on weekends.
ehehe James Friedman is the only account I miss after left Twitter 🤣🤣🤣
Try a Mi Band. I usually don’t recommend Xiaomi products because of their heavy tracking and intrusiveness, but if you only use the band during sleep, you should be fine. If you already have the know-how (which I suspect you do), you can control it yourself through Bluetooth, and the band will erase all data it holds once transmitted.
I don’t believe the children should pay for they fathers mistakes. I was replying to the OP comment that suggests that we should take into account slavery has something to do with poor conditions some of said descendant of slaves are atm.
I came from a long line of poor people in the sense of money, and only one of my uncles was able to get a degree (from his pocket money and hard work, you have to pay even if it’s a public university), recently a cousin was also able to get a degree as well. And me and my brother pursuit more technical courses.
I can have a decent income by working on projects from abroad but the Portuguese state takes ~70% of that in direct and indirect taxation.
Meanwhile I don’t have a family doctor for 14 years now, and if I need something to be taken care of I need to get help in the private sector. Justice is slow, the streets and public buildings are decaying to a point of rupture, public administration is a complete disgrace in general…
I’m basically a slave to this corrupt politicians. They take my hard work in the form of taxation and provide nothing/almost nothing in return.
I meant directly descendant. And I don’t disagree on your reasoning, it’s true.
Dude, I’m not descendant of slaves and I’m pretty much a slave of the Portuguese state at the moment. If this corrupt cast of politicians wants to pay reparations, I do not oppose to it, but they need to pay it from their own pockets.
Yes, you have to pay an annual membership fee to Apple if you want your apps to stay listed in the App Store.
It’s about the amount of tabs you keep open. Every site will take a piece of RAM and a max of 5Gb per tab if not mistaken.
I think GChrome has a feature now where it tries to “kill” the tabs you’re not using to mitigate this issue but it’s opt in.
Adding to your comment, I think they should have different percentages of taxing as well. For example heroin should be taxed way higher than cannabis.
I can’t even see comments on this one :/