Seems unlikely. Seems more likely it could be a medical expense if you have a prescription.
Seems unlikely. Seems more likely it could be a medical expense if you have a prescription.
I understand it is normal human behavior to focus on negative things and an evolved survival trait. But it is kind of sad that no answers have any positive thoughts about the future. So I will try one:
Computer and robotic technology will improve and get cheaper. It will become feasible for home bound people to be able to have some sort of participation in society through telepresence.
It’s because we are all tired and something usually hurts. The thing that hurts and the reason it hurts changes, but “something hurts” is near constant state of being.
If your mean the next big architecture, sure. If your meaning literal cores, they still have a long way to go. I’m sure they will have competitive performance eventually, but not real soon.
Sounds like your just optimizing for efficiency over peak performance. That a form of “best self”.
When mine did that it required a battery replacement. Got replacement from this site: https://batterysharks.com/. Also, maybe you should stop doing things that aren’t absolutely necessary until you’ve taken a nap.
Therapy is probably a good idea regardless. If you spent your life “in the wrong body”, I would imagine it would still leave you with thousands of small mental wounds that add up. Granted, finding the right therapist can be an ordeal.
More information if your interested: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqKj7LwU2RulAjHczohbx5OyJQ8TaFM0&si=oOq3345O7yZEU1Hj
Also establishes expectations. Every on the highway knows what the expected speed is. Going 30 in a 65 is way more dangerous than doing 75 when conditions allow.
It’s not reliable. I will get a message on my phone that doesn’t show up on my PC for 20 minutes. I’ll get a notification on my phone but some times not on my PC. I hate that I have to have my phone ping for everything that ever happens because I can’t trust the desktop version to actually tell me.
I was thinking mountain goat. Need those smaller feet to stand on narrow ledges.
Livescribe has been around for years. It was really useful in school.
I believe there is battery tech that is newer but being deployed into production that is iron based. It is heavier and less energy dense than lithium. But for power grid level deployment that should be fine and iron is a bit harder to catch on fire.
As for food functionality it is very comparable to software remote control of a computer. There are 3 key features that stand out:
Edit: Because this is essentially full access to the machine as if you where physically at it, it should be considered a security risk. Not saying that you need to be scared of it, but you should be aware of the risk and protect it from unauthorized access.
I would argue that under the right conditions it could negatively impact physical growth. As social creatures, humans can experience a lot of stress from isolation. I think it well understood that intense prolonged stress can have many negative impacts on the body. It could negatively impact physical development in that way.
There will always be problems and money offers solutions to a lot of problems. So even if your problems grow, it’s possible for your solutions to grow faster.
It sounds like you are fundamentally trying to embrace healthier habits. I would suggest starting by examining the feeling. Just spend some time thinking about it before acting. Why do I feel motivated to do this? How will I feel while doing it? How will I feel after? Do I gain something from this worth the downsides?
The goal is to make a decision about what you are doing and why instead of just falling into old patterns of behavior with thought.
My guess is the will keep making GPUs for data center and keep consumer GPUs on a very limited product line/budget.
If the iGPU is getting the job done, I would leave that alone. You could add a GPU and pass it through to a gaming VM. But that is an entirely different project.
A Mary Sue is about unearned skill. A person who is just magically good at everything. People don’t like it because in the real world you generally have to work hard, struggle, and sacrifice to achieve significant things. Same reason most people don’t like trust fund babies. They didn’t earn it.