And guess what will happen as a result of these discoveries - nothing.
And guess what will happen as a result of these discoveries - nothing.
Same. Saw it a few months before my first child was born and it opened up something in me that I didn’t know was there. I’ve never watched a movie that made me weep until this one. Full on sobbing. Watched it again a week later, wasn’t a fluke - sobbed again.
I was thinking “What’s that red stu—oh…” Yikes.
If this is real - what a shitty family.
I’ve watched that movie at least seven times. Exposure therapy maybe. Doesn’t even feel like satire.
I haven’t seen a picture of him for a while I guess. Dude is cultivating mass.
Term 👏 Limits 👏
When did Willow start commentating at football games?
“Hey! You’re not supposed to do that!”
“Is there a specific law being broken?”
“Well…no, not exactly. But it breaks with tradition!”
Seriously. Is anybody surprised by these headlines?
Nobody should be surprised by this.
It feels like I’m on the game show Press Your Luck while reading these headlines. “Holy shit, please don’t be real, hopefully I’ll see a link to theonion.com - AND STOP!”
What the actual fuck is going on? Would Joe Rogan getting an appointment be a bridge too far for his supporters or is nothing off the table?
Another “norm” that we thought was a requirement. The shittiest Civics class.
Same! “THAT…is why I always fly Delta.”
This is blowing my mind. I have one in the EXACT SAME spot.
Make sure you know how to use the three seashells before eating any Taco Bell.
“First Amendment rights for me, but not for thee.”
Anybody else think at first “why is Richard Gere in Ukraine?”