Sounds like a full time job. Must be exhausting.
Ain’t nobody got time for that.
When DMing me, remember that you have to trust both your server’s admin, as well as mine.
Please use the following age key to encrypt your message (and send me yours, so that I can reply).
Sounds like a full time job. Must be exhausting.
Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Polyamory is already mainly an upper class thing.
You are hard-pressed to find poly groups in rural areas and blue collar workers. It’s usually first-world college educated urbanites.
Fascinating country.
It’s worth more than one visit, just due to its huge diversity. Food is amazing, and it’s very lively. But you have to get used to it, and go with the flow. If you can’t live without all the first world luxuries and/or don’t feel comfortable stepping outside your bubble, don’t go, it’s not the place for you.
Would I live there? No. And I’m deeply saddened by the political direction it’s heading in. But don’t form opinions about countries you’ve never been to.
He looks like Patrick from SpongeBob.
I don’t self-host a lot of things, but I’d say this is not the easiest I’ve done, just because it involves setting up multiple containers (unlike something like SearXNG). Also thought that I had to set-up an SMTP container, but I got away with not having to do it.
I used ansible (and pass
to store credentials), so this is how I did it (maybe someone can pitch in and tell me what I can improve):
- name: Deploy Wallabag database
name: db_wallabag
image: mariadb
recreate: true
state: started
memory: 500MB
restart_policy: always
max-size: "10m"
max-file: "1"
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "{{ lookup('community.general.passwordstore', 'self_host_containers/wallabag_mysql_root_password', missing='warn') }}"
- ~/wallabag/data:/var/lib/mysql
test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin", "ping", "-h", "localhost"]
interval: 20s
timeout: 3s
- name: Deploy Wallabag redis
name: redis_wallabag
image: redis:alpine
recreate: true
state: started
memory: 500MB
restart_policy: always
max-size: "10m"
max-file: "1"
- "db_wallabag:db_wallabag"
test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"]
interval: 20s
timeout: 3s
- name: Deploy Wallabag
image: wallabag/wallabag:latest
name: wallabag
recreate: true
state: started
memory: 500MB
restart_policy: always
max-size: "10m"
max-file: "1"
- "redis_wallabag:redis_wallabag"
- "db_wallabag:db_wallabag"
- "80"
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "{{ lookup('community.general.passwordstore', 'self_host_containers/wallabag_mysql_root_password', missing='warn') }}"
SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_PASSWORD: "{{ lookup('community.general.passwordstore', 'self_host_containers/wallabag_symfony_env_database_password', missing='warn') }}"
SYMFONY__ENV__FROM_EMAIL: wallabag@example.com
- ~/wallabag/images:/var/www/wallabag/web/assets/images
- ~/wallabag/data:/var/www/wallabag/data
test: ["CMD", "wget", "--no-verbose", "--tries=1", "--spider", "http://localhost"]
interval: 1m
timeout: 3s
Then I set up caddy for the reverse proxy
- name: Upload Caddyfile
src: ./upload_files/Caddyfile
dest: ~/Caddyfile
- name: Deploy caddy
image: caddy:2
name: caddy
user: "1000:1000"
recreate: true
state: started
memory: 500MB
restart_policy: always
max-size: "10m"
max-file: "1"
- "wallabag:wallabag"
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- ~/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
- ~/caddy_data:/data
- ~/caddy_config:/config
And this is the Caddyfile
my.url.com {
reverse_proxy wallabag:80
Finally, you then have to login with user:wallabag and password:wallabag and change them in the webUI. I changed the “wallabag” user to my user and set a new password.
You’re welcome!
I self-host my own instace, save articles I want to read from my laptop, and then they sync with the app on my phone. I read them offline when I have some time to kill
If you don’t mind selfhosting, miniflux is pretty nice.
Really lightweight, downloads the full text if possible (instead of just the first paragraph), etc.
Because one can be pinned down to government involvement, while the other can’t.
It’s the classic CCP defense: “We’re not an authoritarian country, you’re just racist!”.
EDIT: not saying that it was or wasn’t a lab leak, but as soon as the government shoots down the possibility with “you’re racist”, I immediately get suspicious. The same way that I get suspicious when Israel shoots down criticism with “you’re just anti-Semitic”. It’s basically gaslighting with identity politics.
Americans keep culturally appropriating Italy, first pizza and now fascism. smh
Ah yes, right wing nationalism is a problem exclusively in Ukraine. Russia invading a neighbour has nothing to do with Russification.
You’re also an American tankie who seems to have a knewjerk reaction of blaming everything on a group of Ukrainian white nationalists.
Italians are perfectly capable of having their own home-grown right wing clowns. They invented fascism after all.
You’re replying to a tankie.
Just the usual knewjerk reaction to defend China.
Don’t change the subject with whatabouttisms tankie.
I can play that game too: Russia held elections at gunpoint in occupied territory. Do you also believe that the elections the US held in Afghanistan and Iraq were free? Or does that only apply to countries that you don’t like?
It’s about how a nato official blurted something out
He wanted them to consider it, otherwise he wouldn’t have said it. This is not some guy in the pub having a chat with his friends and he “blurted it out” over some beers. These are bureaucrats with highly controlled chains of command.
emediatly had to apologize
He did that after the Ukrainian backlash.
I’m not going to debate who’s wining, since you’re going to pull out some RT stats. What I’m arguing is the point tankies keep pushing that NATO is somehow pushing Ukrainians into a war against their will, and that NATO is not open to a negotiation to end the war.
You had literally a NATO official suggesting Ukraine to give up territory to stop the war. Ukrainians getting outraged, and him having to backpedal.
Read the article mate.
NATO literally proposed to Ukraine to give up territory to stop the war. Answer this, and don’t dodge the question: Why would NATO ever put forth that proposition if they wanted the war to keep going?
with a level of federalization to protect it from future lapses in Ukrainian democracy.
With a puppet government, you mean.
Just like the “free” elections that they lead in an occupied territory.
But when Russia suggests they give some land to Ukraine to stop the war, Donbas gets offended and want to keep fighting.
LOL When did that happen tankie? Russia is the one that propped up the separatist movement in the Donbas in the first place.
How does that contradict what I’ve said? They want NATO to send weapons, and they fear Russia (for obvious reasons). And NATO needs to reassure them that they will support them in defending themselves against a potential Russian invasion.
Are you trying to change the subject? Or did you genuinely did not understand what I said?
Hexbear? I wasn’t expecting that.
Apologies to hexbear users that I may have called Chinese bots. You were just useful idiots after all.