You should still post links to the images. Not enough people get exposed to the hard truth that is going on in Gaza. I’m one of those.
You should still post links to the images. Not enough people get exposed to the hard truth that is going on in Gaza. I’m one of those.
In the end, we’re just training some non-artifical intelligence.
There’s no shortage of resources available from feminists, trans advocates and medical professionals online
If they’re so abundant and easy to find, then why not simply share them? You can also link the other posts that explain your position.
confidently spread their harmful ignorance
If he has such an uninformed position, it should be very easy to defend against it instead of wasting everyone’s time by making ad hominem attacks? Maybe we can make the internet a better place by not spewing toxic abuse even if one feels attacked by an opinion, no matter how uninformed it is?
You are defending your ideology in the worst way possible, and believe me when I say this, but you will never convince anyone beyond your closed bubble of why we need to move forward as a society this way.
How about you try to enlighten him then, instead of throwing verbal abuse at him. He stated his opinion and you are free to debate him on that.
The fact that he gets attacked like this for his opinion is why I don’t engage in these discussions. Your kind of reaction will lose all support for your cause.
Haha yeah I realized it. 🤷
No he means Putin and Lukashenko, the real vicitms of the war in Ukraine. Everyone knows that Zelensky is no angel.
Hey very interesting comment. I have a question: in which step do you normally pay the manufacturer in your example? Is this also handled via the agent?
Hilariously that’s what every toothless Russian drunkard says when you ask them about the war.
Neither am I for the end of Ukraine.
They can threaten all they want, it’s simply not possible. If it actually was possible, they’d have done that a long time ago.
It’s doesn’t even matter if they move away. The things we want to tax them on simply can’t just move away. Gary puts it best, as always.
Not sure what you’re trying to say, honestly. Democratic values == evil communism?
In my mind, the idea of left politics is to democratize society as much as possible. Any type of Authoritarianism goes against that, including the idea of a single party with a single leader. It’s anti-democratic, and therefore does not fit into the category of leftist politics, even if they call themselves left. No racist is gonna call himself racists. And fashists neither.
Gary Stevenson explains why this is, and why it’s not gonna get better anytime soon.
Behindertstes Argument, das ich je gehört hab. Shame on you.
If you’re not fascinated by computers and you’re not sure if you want to really dedicate your career to it, I’d really think twice about going into CS. If you want to get into programming/development, you can either do that by learning specific languages and building stuff, or study something technical that interests you.
Nowadays, programming is very much required in any STEM related fields if you want to keep up with the times. I myself have an Aerospace Master’s degree but have been mostly doing software related things in my career and am now a data engineer at an aircraft manufacturer. None of my data science colleagues studied CS, neither did the data engineers that I work with.
Just one perspective. Don’t give up, you’ve got this!