I’m glad I’ve been keeping up with my vaccinations… How long until Brainworm finds a way to ban them?
I’m glad I’ve been keeping up with my vaccinations… How long until Brainworm finds a way to ban them?
It’s disgusting that people have to have this discussion at all.
Who am I gonna believe? The right-wing choads who are gaslighting us about this, or my lying eyes?
That’s a shame. /Seinfeld
IIRC, probably the Secret Service will enter a memorandum of understanding with the New York Department of Corrections, and negotiate who and what goes where. Probably means Trump will get a wing of Rikers to himself.
Don’t worry, I have full confidence in the Secret Service’s ability to keep Trump perfectly safe while he’s making license plates!
He’s the reason I dumped Spotify - he was spouting horse-paste nonsense during the pandemic, and they’re still writing him checks.
That’s Apartheid Boy for you.
Xitter is a Nazi bar because its owner is a Nazi.
I haven’t seen any yet either, but I’ve been religiously updating my ublock Origin lists and keeping Revanced up to date.
These days, the only people still using this debunked wolf talk are douchebros, chuds, & incels.
I think it depends on the doctor, and depends on the area. In illegal states, the doctors are going to be inclined to not rock the boat.
I’m in a legal state, and my doctor’s completely cool with my cannabis use.
I tend to add some CBD to my THC on & off, so I can keep my dosages down to a dull roar.
Yep. The only way to make progress on that front is to serve Putin some polonium tea…
Barista working a Karen convention.
When hauling for a quarry, it’s to keep the cab & driver from being smushed when the bucket gets filled with a big pile of boulders.
Monday Night Rehabilitation!
Lemmy, and occasionally getting actual work done.
I’m tending to grind only enough for a couple hits (using dry-herb-vapes, so like a nugget of flower.) The rest I keep in my little tupperware with Boveda packs to fix the humidity.
I live in a pretty arid locale, so it’s amazing how fast my weed drys out too much and loses its terps.
Preach it! When you’re smoking weed, you’re turning perfectly good THC into carcinogens and carbon monoxide. Vape for the win! It’s far less harsh on the lungs!
I vary, but often I do five-second holds. Not so long that I completely asphyxiate myself, but I’m a bit skeptical of the idea that THC absorbs instantaneously the instant it enters the lungs. Takes a small amount of time, 5 seconds is plenty.
Having multi-communities, akin to multireddits, would be handy.
I still wonder if artificial sweeteners mess with metabolism, say by training people to ignore satiety signals, which would be why we saw that study a few days back saying artificial sweeteners are associated with weight gain.
I know, right? Wouldn’t it be nice to get just a shot at the doctor’s office like I did, and not have to worry about catching a deadly disease?