I see what you mean. I have an account there too for access to everything. Apps are making it pretty seemless.
Try again?
Replied to wrong person.
I’m just finding out about this trivia now but I’m a big fan
Do you think this is the dot com bubble 2.0
Almost none of those apps existed a few weeks ago so give it a little time and they’ll be more polished. Sync is coming in a month or so and I’m expecting good stuff.
The onboarding could still use work but there’s many good apps in very active development right now. I’m using a few and each updates nearly daily.
lemmyverse.net is one such aggregator
It’s a lemmy app. Wait for Artemis.
They’re working off the abandoned Lemmur project so they kind of had a head start. Not to undermine the great work they’ve been doing though.
This has never been announced or alluded to