I’m wondering if it was always this stupid and we just kind of assume otherwise when we look back because we focus on the big serious things that happened.
And because it’s actually more comforting to imagine Hitler as a political mastermind, rather than accept that a fucking idiot could rise to power and bumble us into world war and genocide.
Money does not equal capitalism. Money existed a thousand years before the invention of capitalism.
White OLED, every pixel uses a white OLED “backlight” to make the light and RGBW color filters to make the colors. It’s one solution to some of shortcomings of earlier OLED technology like color degradation.
People don’t walk around telling each other they use an “ASUS ROG Strix OLED XG27ACDNG” either. They’ll say they have a “27 inch OLED”, or possibly a “27 inch 1440p OLED from Asus”.
You could use the sub-brand and say you had an “Asus ROG Strix” if you wanted, but all that might tell someone is that it’s from Asus’ midrange gaming segment.
The unique id is simply handy to keep the many models apart. Asus has 217 displays listed on their (US) store. They have 14 different 27" 1440p displays under the ROG Strix brand alone, three of which are OLEDs and you better not get them confused because they use different OLED technology.
Would it be better if they had more diverse product names instead? I’m not so sure. With so many models you’d probably end up with something like the “ASUS ROG Strix Centurion Speed² Ultra+ Black”, and I don’t think that’s any easier than “XG27ACDNG”, which at least is short.
And of course it’s updated with new versions a few times every year or so. So the Deathstalker Pro from the end of 2024 is actually better in many respects than the Deathstalker Ultra from 2022, but you’ll have to check the fine print on the box to make sure you’re getting the updated QD-OLED version, and not the older AMOLED version. If it has 220 Hz rather than 240 Hz it should be the newer model. Unless you live in South America, in which case they all use WOLED displays, though the specifications are the same so you have no way of knowing without opening it.
This is exactly what the companies try to do. For example ASUS has (in order of increasing fancyness) TUF, ROG Strix and ROG Swift. While MSI has G, MAG, MPG and MEG.
For each step up you can assume that it will be more cutting edge, have more extras and a higher price. But why would you care? You want to know if the image is good, if it has the features you want and what it costs. You likely don’t care what price segment it was originally intended for.
As time goes by, what was once expensive premium features become mainstay. So an older top-of-the-line display might be similar in price and performance to a new budget display. Which is better? Well you’ll have to read some reviews and ideally look at it to figure that out. And then you need to know the exact model number of the ones you are comparing. Good thing theres a compact alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies each model ;)
You actually gave a good example for why these brand names are useless.
How many doors does a Honda Accord have? What type of engine does it have?
It’s impossible to answer even these very basic questions, because there are so many different Honda Accords that the name could refer to almost anything. It could be a station wagon with a diesel engine, a four-door hybrid sedan, a hatchback, a SUV etc.
In fact monitors do usually have fancy brand names like Predator, ROG Swift or UltraGear that function exactly like the Accord name, giving you some hint as to where the manufacturer think it belongs in their product stack. They just aren’t useful for identifying a specific model, and since there are so many different models, you need the alphabet soup to make sure we are talking about the same thing.
Where do those numbers come from? I can’t find any source.
But I did find that 46% think no one won the exchange, perhaps unsurprisingly strongly split along party lines https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5173356-trump-zelensky-meeting-poll/
No, that wouldn’t make much difference. I don’t think I’ve seen a real world attack via SMS that even bothered to “forge” the from-field. People are used to getting texts from unknown numbers.
And how would you possibly implement this supposed “caller-id” for a field that doesn’t even have to be set to a number?
Blaming the victim solves nothing.
Scamming is a rapidly growing industry that is becoming more professional and specialized all the time. Anyone can be scammed.
To quote the most salient post
The app doesn’t provide client-side scanning used to report things to Google or anyone else. It provides on-device machine learning models usable by applications to classify content as being spam, scams, malware, etc. This allows apps to check content locally without sharing it with a service and mark it with warnings for users.
Which is a sorely needed feature to tackle problems like SMS scams
It’s against Stalinism, so both?
This is such lukewarm obvious stuff to anyone who’s done any agile project management that it’s mind-boggling they would fail to do it.
But I guess it’s what happens when decision are made by bean counters with absolute authority.
I dream that the reason AMD delayed their launch and are being so cryptic, is because they saw how underwhelming the 5080 was and decided to make a card (perhaps a 9070 XT) that matches its performance at the price of a 5070 or something.
Now I don’t think that will happen. Their previous market strategies have been very uninspired. But there’s certainly an opening here to make a play for market share and make Nvidia look like greedy fools.
Why upgrade from a 4080 to a 5080?
Perhaps it was a poor choice of words, when I said “organizing” I meant everything required to run an event (with thousands attending). From planning and programming to picking trash and cleaning toilets.
I assumed it was just a very dirty, tough job requiring some specialized equipment and skills. Are you saying it’s somehow fundamentally different from other human activities?
My experience organizing non-profit events have shown that most people actually have no problem doing dirty jobs for no material compensation. If the following things are true:
I understand that this seems foreign to a lot of people, because this is not how work is generally motivated in capitalist society. You are used to your job being rather unimportant, with little autonomy, little trust, not much recognition from society and some people definitely profiting more than others. Your primary motivator is the threat of violence (via homelessness, starvation etc.), so it’s hard to imagine what would happen if that was removed.
That to me is the core idea of Anarchism, to base your organization on volontary cooperation rather than coercion.
An interesting side-note is that the people who do the dirty jobs in these circumstances often take great pride in it, forming an identify around doing what others are not willing to and calling attention to it as a way to get more recognition.
Moving fast doesn’t have to mean poor workmanship.
To make an analogy, if you want to be able to make a cup of coffee fast, you need to make sure that the coffee beans, the water, and the brewer are all near each other, that there is electricity and that the water is running. These are all things that enable you to move fast, but they don’t decrease quality, if anything they increase quality because you aren’t wasting time and effort tackling obstacles unrelated to brewing.
Which is in fact the point of the article. That you should make sure you have a good development environment, with support systems and processes, so that you can work effectively even if your developers are not savants. Rather than trying to hire people who are good enough to do a decent job even in the worst environments.