Frankly a plain topless shot is not in my opinion grounds for anything heavier than a PG rating
Frankly a plain topless shot is not in my opinion grounds for anything heavier than a PG rating
Curiously inspiring, this one
Kink shaming is HIS kink, don’t be judgy
Tim Curry could make hanging drywall sexy.
If only it could be done without being such a giant asshole that you generate an asshole-attracting gravitational field.
These assholes will stop at nothing to get you to upgrade.
I read a sci fi book where they used Ksec, Msec, etc. for all the time references - meant as a little background flavor but it was interesting to me just how much trying to parse it while I read just threw off my whole train of thought. Far more so than adjusting to metric spatial or temperature references.
Eg. Being “with it” enough to know wtf type2 weed is.
I don’t think anyone questions that “he felt his life was in peril”. The question is why a temperamental moron that can’t control his feelings long enough to think before unloading a lethal weapon at his own car should be entrusted to “serve and protect” the public.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what “it” was. Now what I’m with isn’t “it”, and what’s “it” seems weird and scary to me. It’ll happen to you!
Definitely. 20-25 years back when I first started smoking, the weed we could find was much lower THC than the mildest stuff I can find in a dispensary these days (though buying it from a guy with no job behind a dry cleaners might’ve played a factor there). We’d roll a couple joints and pass around 4-5 people - smoke em both and you’d tie on a good buzz but still be functional.
Started seeing stuff the was more “one hit quit” later in college in the mid 00s - roughly comperable to average commercial product these days. Sharing a single joint of that around and we’d melt into the couch for the afternoon. Nowadays I don’t take more than a hit or two if I need to do anything more complex than grunting or blinking.
Some of that I am sure has to do with me smoking more seldom generally, and maybea little childhood nostalgia, but I sure miss having something I can hit for a while without turning into a mass of quivering jelly for four hours.
You need to read more smut.
Batman bin Suparman
May thy knife chip and shatter.
Personally I doubt it. While they don’t necessarily need every vote in the decision, recusal would reinforce the precedent that they have done anything inappropriate - not the tack they have been taking.
Railing held up fine. Railing mounts on the other hand…
Definitely home schooled