Bring them over to the US, we always have money for new prisons and are experimenting with new forms of state murder with horribly insufficient oversight
Bring them over to the US, we always have money for new prisons and are experimenting with new forms of state murder with horribly insufficient oversight
So why would this dress code not already be unconstitutional based on sex discrimination? Girls can have long hair, why not boys? The hair grows the same fucking way.
I would like to know more about this sexual content with political purposes, maybe voter turnout would improve
We need to reinvent the angry mob for rescuing people from the police instead of lynching them
I leave the TV on all day for the cats, I’m sure they’re getting lots of useful data while they sleep in front of MASH reruns
Left handed people live for a good pen that doesn’t fucking smear constantly
Not surprised that a company named after the god of war is an international war sponsor
He does it now because the independent review came out and basically exonerated them, so now he can get a position elsewhere with a ‘clean’ record. Plenty of places hire shady police leaders because they are easier to use for fascist purposes with their heads that far up their own asses