Stop right there, criminal scum
Cereal has to go before the water!
Stop right there, criminal scum
Cereal has to go before the water!
Those that are made from this mesh-stuff like that „premium“ Lipton shit? Yeah, I wouldn’t use them. Afaik, paper-teabags are safe?
Sounds like that guy who made a sandwich from scratch: growing wheat, raising chicken etc. He said it was „okay“
There is also Aborea - a German Fantasy TTRPG. I do not know whether it’s available in other languages though
Always remember: This too shall pass
This got me through the worst nights. This, coffee and a large stock of favourite candies/snacks. Don’t worry, the sleep thing gets way better soon, hang in there!
He’s just built different
Bro was a hermit crab in his past life
Ahh, yes. I can also add plants and pets to the list!
Go over bury your face in the plushy fur of your dog/cat? Day suddenly looks way less gloomy.
And fuck, it is a good feeling to see a new leaf or bloom sprouting from your favourite plant-Bro 👌
The responses are rough, man 😅 Some of y’all are hanging on just out of spite - which is totally valid tho. Hope you all will be able to find beauty in the world again and enjoy life!
For me it’s my family. Had a real fucking shitty day yesterday. Everything went wrong and then some. Then just got a glimpse of a picture of my son playing with his grandparents, laughing, happy. That was it, my day got 1200% better that instant.
Just a wild guess: are you using the 5ghz or 2.4ghz Wifi? 5ghz is way faster but very fidgety with larger distance to the router, walls in the way or other routers nearby.
So, maybe you can troubleshoot your way out:
Good luck!
It would literally have cost you nothing not to write that sentence down… but here we are
Yeah, iirc TetraPak advertised as being an eco-friendly packaging and was prohibited to do so (at least in some countries, dunno) exactly because of that.
Yeah, turning it a bit to the side is no big deal.
However, I recently found out that this makes drinking things a little more viscous absolutely impossible without messing up your shit.
I drank a Kefir, which you normally shake before drinking. So there is a lot of it clinging to the inside of the cap for dear life - up until to that very moment you take a sip. Then, it decides that it had enough and spills on your clothes, face, shoes - whatever the fuck it can possibly get to.
So either you need a glass, let it sit until the cap is mostly empty or lick that cap and look like a complete degenerate.
Completely ignoring that fucking crazy statement from the video:
Yes, it can contain meat. But you normally start somewhere at around 5months with only single types of veggies, so you can check allergies and also it’s easier for their digestion. I think you normally do not start any meat before 8 or 9 months.
Yes, I think that’s the consensus on how to pronounce it.
In case anyone has never heard the acronym: it stands for what you see is what you get. As opposed to what you see is what you mean (e. g. TeX)
Auch ein guter Punkt! Manche Städte und Regionen bieten sogar in ihren Grünflächenämtern Saatgutmischungen mit heimischen Pflanzen an :)
Second this! Ich verstehe es auch nicht ganz, weil das sinnvollste (kommt natürlich auf die Menge an) einfach drübermähen (am besten mit Mulcher natürlich) ist. Und das ist zeitgleich auch noch das einfachste… ich sammel immer genug für ein, zwei Häufchen für Igel, Insekten etc mit dem Rechen weg; der Rest bleibt kleingemäht auf dem Grün.
It’s from Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan Origin Story
Do you fill your cereal bowl with a garden hose? How does it travel with such a velocity that it spills out the other side? 😂