Does everything work on the EA app for you? I’m having issues with the friends list, so I’m not a to play some multiplayer games unfortunately :(
Does everything work on the EA app for you? I’m having issues with the friends list, so I’m not a to play some multiplayer games unfortunately :(
yes, that would be via TB4 for now…
nice, that sounds great
Does anyone have experience running the 13 with linux and an eGPU by any chance?
The cheesier the better you say? Sarah Connor - Christmas In My Heart [ 🇩🇪 ]
If you use caddy it works like a charm out of the box with their desec module. If you run caddy with via docker compose you can integrate the respective module pretty easily, check the ”Adding custom Caddy modules" section on their docker hub page.
desec.io is also a good option
No worries, bin auch sonst immer mal wieder auf heise unterwegs, in dem Moment musste ich nur schmunzeln :)
Bittersweet, wenn einen das immer vor dem Lesen von Artikeln über Datenschutz begrüßt 🥹
CV Dazzle: https://adam.harvey.studio/cvdazzle
Das liest sich leider alles etwas low-effort, indeed