• 37 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The ARR tools are basically a search engine website you host. The interact with a few other tools you have to have access to/pay for. Namely an indexing service and a (for some) a download service. They can use torrents, so you dont HAVE to pay for downloading, but using something like newsgroups is really nice and add reliability and security.

    THe “ARR’s” basically then are just a fancy UI and scheduler and just search the indexing service, download the files you want, re-assemble them and copy them to the location you want (often a file share that your media player like Plex or Jellyfin will use).

    You can set them to continually look for something too. So for Sonarr, it will auto-download new episodes as soon as they appear in the index. Or if you see a commercial for something upcoming, you can add it and monitor it and as soon as it starts showing up in the indexes it will download.

  • I have 3.

    1. Dakboard above the fridge shows calendar and shared photo album. It also runs bluetooth and serves as a relay for Homeassitant and a few kitchen devices (ie: igrill mini probe for meat).

    2. pikvm for a desktop

    3. pikvm+ kvm for lab rack esxi servers.

    the latter two also run tailscale and allow me to SSH proxy if needed as a back VPN/remote access utility.

    There is also a 4th. It runs NUT/UPS tools for their network gear and a mail relay for alerting and also tailscale so I can proxy if necessary.

    Since its tailscale etc. Only key based auth is allowed on these boxes.

  • I bought it for a short time. They have a 30 day policy.

    I returned it within the week. Its just way too buggy. I dont even care about the pay to play ships, whatever.

    But the bugs with missions was awful. The NPC/AI fighting is nonexistant. The flight characteristics were better with n64’s star fox 64. Its just not even close to being there.

    Im a sucker for space games. If i want a flight sim ill play elite. If i want a space legs discovery game, ill play starfield. If i want to get stoned and look at weird animals with small heads and cool colors, ill fire up no mans sky.

  • No doubt I agree. I can definately get the game to do similar with KB+M. The response time, sensitivity and precision of a mouse for camera movements is much faster and more accurate than a game pad.

    Honestly one of the biggest things i did was just use a controller. It smoothed the game out quite a bit. Its then using motion blur (slightly) and the stick acceleration to smooth out the frametime and the input delays make it much less noticeable. Honestly ive become convinced thats the primary way Bethesda tests their games. I started doing this with Fallout 76 for the exact same reasons.

    Those sudden movements seem to cause the system to have to render or re-render and re-calculate parts of the world faster with a KB+M. THus the dips and stutters become more noticeable.

    Im not excusing Bethesda here. I think its bullshit. I think they should optimize their code. At the least they should goddam acknowledge the issue and not try and act like this is normal. Its not. Im also merely trying to portray a way that you can play and enjoy this game without totally raging out in frustration because Bethesda cant really do their job, assuming this is a title you wanted to see and enjoy and are willing to “support” a company with such a rich history of putting out products like this. Its not really new. Skyrim on PC has CTD issues on release, Fallout New Vegas did too, along with a crash once ram usage exceeded 4GB because of the 32-bit barrier. Modders had to fix that shit first. Heck fallout 4 was heralded as a success because it at least was playable day 1.

  • Yeah I live in florida. Its just not feasible, this time of year we get thunderstorms daily after 2pm.

    I put UPS systems on the expensive stuff and just let it ride.

    Its happened before too. So not my first rodeo. When my daughter was born lightning hit my actual house directly, like melted my grounding rods hit, piuctures fell off the wall and shit. My iphone at the time wasnt even plugged in, just sitting ont he table but it blew out the wifi and bluetooth chips… I probably lost more in that one. Homeowners covered the loss there though. The insurance situation in Florida is in need of some government regulation to step the fuck in these days. I have to keep my deductible at like 10k now just to have coverage.

  • Thats what I am saying though. If you dont have an FPS counter up, the way this game runs at 27-35 is still smoother than 60-75 on other titles (ie: RDR2).

    I mean, you do you, but the raw FPS numbers arent necessarily accurate depictions of how the game runs. Its like they fuck with frametimes and the like. Which makes sense considering if you unlocked or removed vsync from old titles physics would get wacky, lock pick minigames were super fast etc etc.

    That said, i have noticed with a number of Bethesda releases that certain aspects run smoother on a controller. Fallout4/3/NV i was able to brute force performance to run fine on KB+M in 90% of areas. It would still get choppy downtown etc. It was when 76 came out that I tried playing just on a controller. Something about the stick acceleration when moving the camera was much smoother, it made the overall experience better. The same applies here. As soon as I just moved to a controller, its really pretty enjoyable. It doesnt seem to be a “fast twitch” style game like say…CS:GO, Battlefield etc are.

    Though I would totally understand if some folks arent going to make such concessions. Just seems to me Bethesda is one of those studios that really only playtests/develops for controller based play despite “supporting” alternative inputs.

    FWIW I already have a controller for other games (like Elite: Dangerous or other flight games). So its no biggie for me to change up.

  • Yeah so on the 4th of July lightning hit the utility pole about 2 doors down, sent a voltage surge throughout the house ( and a few of my neighbors.)

    This blew out a number of devices fully (IE: Router, Switch, rokus’ etc), others it caused partial issues. For example My modem would boot but it blew out the DOCSIS module so it couldnt connect. My TV works, but thinks 3 HDMI devices are plugged in that arent and now tosses me warnings its running hot at 90C. The PS4 had the USB interface, wifi and HDD blow out only and the HDMI port seems to work on some TV’ s (IE: the one it was connected to, but not the Samsung Plasma TV in our living room). So I was able to restore that from backup, but cant connect it to the internet now and cant connect more devices…I even had ome cables went out as well. The DP to HDMI cable from my RTX3060 to my TV went out, a couple HDMI cables also are now bad etc.

    That said, no my computer wasnt plugged in. I actually play on a laptop these days when i upgraded off my i7-4790/1070 build. So i use an eGPU when im at home. This had the 3060. It either took the voltage through the UPS, or more likely through that DP cable connected from the TV (which wasnt on UPS power). Either way, after the storm the 3060 would only spin fans at 100% and would not be recognized, either in the eGPU or in my old desktop that was in the attic now. I popped that old 1070 into the eGPU it ran fine. So the eGPU, its boards, and the PSU in it were fine but the 3060 are effectively dead.

    That said, the UPS’s I use are just line interactive ones you get at Best Buy, not expensive double conversion. The difference is that with line interactive there is a relay switch, and when it detects voltage changes it will switch from power off the AC/wall to battery (in under a second). Thats typically fast enough that capacitors can still deliver power to their devices. But a VERY fast voltage change (ie: from a lightning strike) can get passed through.

    Schneider Electric/APC does have a warranty on their devices and those connected to it. So i did open a case with them. its still ongoing. I am not sure if they will honor it. They probably should but who knows. They did have me send the UPS devices back to them (and sent me new ones to swap out, which was nice). Whether they replace the stuff blown out…i dont know. It was pretty expensive, but not enough to hit my Insurance deductable, which I have to keep really high to get any coverage these days in Florida.

    That put me in a weird spot for this game release. I waited a while for APC to get back (its still in limbo) but finally just replaced the GPU. So i have played this game on the same laptop, but with 3 GPU’s now. The 1650ti Max-Q that is onboard the laptop (it only has 4GB of vram). The Strix 1070 8GB that is basically my old card but was used as my main for a couple months. And the 4060ti 16GB that i just got a few days after release.

  • With the DLSS-FG mod and the settings outlined here I am getting 65-90 with the “Quality” settings on the 4060ti. Without the DLSS-FG mod and those exact same settings, i will get 24-40ish. 24-30 in places like New Atlantis, 40 ish in places like caves and such.

    For the my 1070 (TL:DR my house was hit by lightning, which took out my 3060 12 GB and I had to use a backup) and my 1650ti-max-q i basically need to turn the settings preset to low, then turn the indirect shadows to medium (there seems to be a bug with textures being really blurry if low), and then set FSR scaling back up to 100 manually. With that, i will get about 30-35 FPS. These are on the lower end of the hardware requirements. The 4060TI finally came in around the 5th, and its been quite a nice improvement, but its a shame this game needs mods to play at 60 FPS at all.

    That said the game plays alright at 30 FPS. especially if you opt to use a controller and some slight motion blur. If you try a KB+M at 30FPS, its pretty rough since the camera movements are much more precise and responsive. I learned with Fallout76 that Bethesda really only seems to develop and playtest with a controller, and thus, trying to force using a KB+M can work, but can be buggy. I dont really mind outputting to my TV and playing on the couch though. Its a nice relaxing experience vs sitting in an office chair.