This is not possible. A socks proxy forwards tcp connections over another TCP connection. A wireguard vpn sends encrypted generic IP packets over udp. A socks proxy can’t understand the types of things wireguard sends.
However, you could just install wireguard on both your vps and your phone, and you probably wouldn’t even need the proxy. If your VPS is hosted by a big public cloud provider, be aware that many sites restrict incoming traffic from known up ranges because public cloud vms often used by spammers.
Ok it’s true that op would need XWayland for some things, but that will be installed alongside the rest of the Wayland packages, and will run seamlessly.
This isn’t true. Some applications will use features that aren’t available in all Wayland compositors, but they are rare. The main offenders are apps that interact with other apps, apps that take screenshots or record, or apps that draw outside of a window (like docks).