I work for an it department who resells their old stock online, we scrub the disks before sales, physical destruction is not possible.
I work for an it department who resells their old stock online, we scrub the disks before sales, physical destruction is not possible.
It won’t stop “anyone”, I’ve been lead to believe there are ways even after a single pass, to recover data. if I had anything to hide, I would use a physical destruction method, nothing else
Use shred , it will automate multiple random passes, and finish with a zero pass.
Look at someone who is cold, their lips are blue, someone who is hot, will be red.
The way I see it is, the youth were super excited about changing the shitty situation that faced them, and the prospect of having Berny Sanders as president, who also wants to change that situation, and they had that ripped away from them, so they were radicalised, they spend 4 years with a senile old man, who did nothings to change the staus quo, and so they voted naively for the candidate who proposed change.
Me too.
It’s only fools and the rich who pedal the narrative that a whole section of society would turn into lazy slobs, do nothing except watch TV.
I always wanted a similar system to what you see in racing video games, when they display input controls. A red and green bar on the rear of the vehicle which shows accelerator pedal position, and a red bar which, in real life would have to show deceleration, as a percentage of theoretical maximum, rather than pedal position, as in the games.
I don’t like that it doesn’t give me alternative route options, there are times I want the shortest, not the quickest, or sometimes I want to stick to main roads, and not go through small villages even though I might save 5 minutes. Also, being offline, the routing for a long journey can be cumbersome in my potato phone/aftermarket android car radio.
I love the routing options, and use it in my aftermarket android car radio but it’s not quite as good as gmaps for address search.
In this case it’s called the brunelli effect
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L2ef1CP-yw This is the best way to get what you want.
This is the wrong application, noctua are looking for static pressure, what OP wants is to maximise airflow. Mathias wandel has some pertinent videos on the subject, the ideal is a large fan about a metre or two away from the window, depending on the size of the fan, blowing hot air outside.
There are some that flash super bright, and super fast, in winter, when driving home in the dark, it feels like I’m on the verge of an epileptic fit, must be a nightmare for those who have to live with that shining in through their windows.
He’s been drunk with power since he was elected, and it’s only gotten worse as his mandate has borne out.
I’ve been looking at getting a odroid h4 ultra as my next toy. It would suit you I think.
Nothing like going into a rough pub in Sheffield, and having the landlord ask, “what’ll it be love?”
Take my upvote. I use owncloud, I have no need for apps on my self hosted cloud backup.
Barry’s is a dammed good cuppa tea, but Yorkshire tea is the English equivalent. God speed, and all the best in your new life. Having just moved my family to the other side of France, I can empathise as to the effort and stress involved in such an endeavour.