I’m not sure what abliteration is
I’m not sure what abliteration is
Seems like you’d be interested in https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/about/
I hope you find a way to share your works.
Thanks for explaining further. This is not something I’ve ever thought about so I’m going to take time to process it.
Think of AAE as a closed practice. You can learn about, you can view it from the outside, but it is not yours to use as you please.
Help me understand this. It makes no sense to me. I don’t even know where to begin thinking about it in terms that I can understand.
What sort of things might you put on your site?
I’m a fan of Podverse. It has a few limitations that annoy me a bit, but I still pay $18 annually for the Premium features.
Doesn’t seem like any funding was actually committed to anything at all by anyone.
I used to interact with Facebook via email. That didn’t last. But neither did my use of Facebook.
This is a good reminder. Thanks.
The problem with those call centers isn’t competency but authority and incentive to act autonomously to solve problems. Which is ironic because it looks like Microsoft is ready to sell ai with the authority to act autonomously.
I’d say it was 2000 when Gore’s election win was stolen from him.
I don’t feel like I have a good sense of how valid the objections are.
I’d like to hear more about the specifics if the issues you ran into. I keep delaying my options to start using passkeys because it’s a lot to take in at once and the only services implementing them seem to be the most important ones that I really don’t want to experiment with my ability to acess them. I haven’t even been looking at the details of each service’s implementation.
Can you elaborate on what it means to use a security key as a password manager? I’m not sure if I understand what you mean.
In line with theoretical expectations, we have identified pricing as a particularly effective policy in those sectors dominated by profit-maximizing firms
It amazing how hard these companies fight against the things are the most effective (taxes).
Beehaw uses Open Collective Europe Foundation (OCEF) as a fiscal host.
OCEF charges an 8% Host Fee on Revenue
OCEF uses the Open Collective Platform for the various functions and services it provides (like payment processing and accounting tools)
The Open Collective Platform charges a 15% Revenue Share for Fiscal Hosts that collect donations through the platform.
Any tip given to the platform does not go to Beehaw at all.
All of the above is in addition to payment processing fees charged by Stripe.
It’s nice to see that others get it. Unfortunately, neither of us have any immediate influence on the largest social media platforms.
This is presented in a confusing way to me. But I see after reading it twice that monthly recurring contributions are $80.82 per month (I’m assuming this is after fees that OCEF charges).
You have set a rough target of increasing that monthly recurring contributions amount to about $185 so that one off contributions aren’t being relied upon to meet monthly expenses.
This seems like a very reasonable ask and very attainable.
I’m copying a monthly donation link here for people that don’t want to scroll back up:
New Jersey has a law like that for gas. Can only increase the price one time per day. But ut doesn’t apply to all gass stations, just ones on the highway rest areas.
The shared repo doesn’t look like fine tuning. It just looks like prompts.