• 14 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2024


  • The protests across Southeastern Europe remain in the spotlight as they try to change the deficit regimes into something better. In Romania, when Georgescu’s candidacy was once again rejected, his supporters began to break through the fences set up by the police, throwing various objects such as bottles and stones, as reported by David Leonard Bularca and Rebecca Popescu of the Romanian news platform Hotnews.

    Watching live footage of the protest, I saw some of the police limping after being hit by stones. Similarly violent scenes unfolded in Greece, where the second anniversary of the Tempi train disaster sparked what the Greek newspaper Efimerida ton Syntakton described as the largest rally in the country’s history. Meanwhile in Serbia, students continue to protest, even resorting to camping out between the Serbian parliament and the presidency, according to Danas.

    I don’t like the comparisons here between protesters. The ones we had in Romania, the Georgescu fans, were older and brought in via buses, organized mostly by the AUR party and likely joined by some soccer fan groups. These were anti-democratic protests, more in the spirit of the US 1/6 ones, but much smaller and less violent. The Georgescu fans were very upset that their “online collective” size wasn’t matched by the presence in real space.

  • Like the other far right ones, she wants to take a big dump on the constitution and then set it on fire. That’s incompatible with holding the presidential office and others (including military) where the oath requires to protect the constitution.


    (1) Rezultatul alegerilor pentru funcţia de Preşedinte al României este validat de Curtea Constituţională.

    The Constitutional Court validates (or invalidates) the election result.

    (2) Candidatul a cărui alegere a fost validată depune în faţa Camerei Deputaţilor şi a Senatului, în şedinţă comună, următorul jurământ: “Jur să-mi dăruiesc toată puterea şi priceperea pentru propăşirea spirituală şi materială a poporului român, să respect Constituţia şi legile ţării, să apăr democraţia, drepturile şi libertăţile fundamentale ale cetăţenilor, suveranitatea, independenţa, unitatea şi integritatea teritorială a României. Aşa să-mi ajute Dumnezeu!”.

    among others, the president swears to respect the Constitution

  • The court ruling also highlights the role of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which repeatedly tried to block the expansion of the complaint. The Cybercrime Prosecutor had opposed the extension of the complaint, despite the PEGA Committee and PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) had emphasised the need for an in-depth investigation into these cases of espionage using Pegasus.

    The court states that the attitude of both the investigating judge and the prosecutor in refusing to allow the extension of the complaint was “inconsistent with the current state of the proceedings” and that “it seems entirely logical to extend the indictment to the individuals who have been identified as being behind the decisions taken by these [companies].” This attitude on the part of the Public Prosecutor’s Office adds to the silence and lack of cooperation on the part of the Spanish state in this case.

    Yeah, wtf?