I just drink out of the cup like a sadist.
I just drink out of the cup like a sadist.
Is it bad that I stopped using Google docs and plan on moving to OpenOffice instead?
Me with komm susser todd because it personally relates to me heavily and how I feel about myself.
It’s going to be just like my pocket chip and die quickly after in terms of software support. Where I had to run my own hacks and also run archive debian repositories for the hardware itself only for the flash to die a year afterwards. I can say though it was the coolest device I had and hacking it was really neat especially with the UI and scaling apps on the device.
I would start to stock pile food myself if I had that much money free and buy a new GPU. That’s like also a months rent here as well plus some utilities and a car payment.
I can’t stop laughing at this stupid fucking image. You have thoroughly broke me. I can’t anymore. This is how I start off 2025 laughing at a stupid image.
Well they will have to go through my guns first. I’m not going down without a fight.
Mine has always been the castle because I always liked how it was animated.
Fuck yeah can’t wait to die so I can escape this capitalist nightmare!
No, no its just a well written joke. Like he can’t talk that he uses arch linux.
This is why I use a USB C stick instead. But Android is getting abit too locked down for things at large in regards to that so??? I guess we just have to deal with this late 90s protocol Microsoft made for mp3 players on our Android devices that have already been replaced by better solutions like on Symbian where it still hid files but pretended to be a USB stick.
My 200 dollar android smartphone breaks all my laptops in all the benchmarks I ran on it that cost so much more than it. Legitimately though, I guess it doesn’t mean that much since there is very little I can compare it with. Minus saying “Oh look wow this web assembly thing runs faster on my smartphone than my cheap computers from eBay!”. Or “Roblox can look and run so much better on my smartphone than on my computer and not run at 20 fps!” Or also “Look at this benchmarking tool it scores higher on my smartphone!” Or also also also “Look at me ma I’m running emulators and ruffle flash-player games faster in the web browser on my phone than on my computer that can’t even run Run 3 at max settings!” Or also also “Look ma I can run Fallout New Vegas at higher settings and higher resolution and framerate than my new cheap 100 dollar mini PC or laptop from eBay!”. Honestly though if you just gave me a real operating system with the terrible mid tier soc in my phone and shoved it into a laptop with a real operating system. I think I would like that a lot more than the 100 watts my biggest laptop draws from the outlet that can’t even hardware encode video with an 8th Gen core i7 Intel with dedicated amd graphics. Like imagine the kind of power-draw a phone soc would have on a normal laptop battery all without paying up the ass for something that has the screen kill itself in 3 years thanks apple. Though but seriously minus the non upgradability of arm MacBooks and anti-repair nonsense; Apple seriously did wonders in taking their mobile silicon and expanding it into something really really great in the traditional computing world and making a unique series of chips separate from their mobile counterparts. X86 needs to finally die. Anything else should be looked for in the future. It is embarrassing that my shitty low end smartphone out performs all the computers at my local Walmart.
Yeah you should probably do that instead. Or be like me and switch phones everyday for some reason. Go insane use an iPhone and then an android phone than a phone from 2016 you have to custom rom to get working again because it’s last update was from 2018 and you have to replace the battery.
Keep them forever like I do! Just start collecting smartphones because it’s better for the environment. I have like 10 of them never going into a landfill. Maybe find people who actually need phones idk.
As someone who has had shitty laptop keyboards with fucked up keyboards. I got some actual use out of the feature throughout the years and I have to say it’s quite nice.
Doubt Apple will allow JIT to run on their specific region sideloading.
These programs are actually really cool and I un-ironically want to use them.
I have that exact same SanDisk player as well rocking rockbox firmware and it’s now my portable game console at work.