That’s the one!
That’s the one!
Wasn’t it something to do with trucks are work vehicles so emissions restrictions didn’t apply to the same extent, so they basically pushed trucks hard and made everything truck sized to skirt around it? That has the effect of turning into a lifestyle product. Guarantee my little Subaru sees more off-road than most jacked up trucks.
Actually I’d argue Subaru is more of a lifestyle brand, selling the idea that you for sure need that extra clearance and all wheel drive, just in case you decide to rock crawl your way up to a camping spot after Costco. I love mine, and actually use it, but that doesn’t mean I’m blind to what they’re pushing.
Job’s done!
Recently learning more about Georgia given the current political situation. Beautiful and fascinating place that would be great to visit one day. How are the ski resorts? I’m from BC in Canada and spoiled for choice, but snowboarding in Georgia would be quite the trip!
Thanks! Loving how much detail those negs capture. It’s crazy to think I’m stitching 4 images with my Fuji and macro setup and I’m still leaving resolution on the table.
BW400CN was before my time. I’ve got a 10 rack of TMAX100 that was short dated so picked that up on sale. I like it in 35mm but that extra fine grain might be a little redundant in 4x5!
Oh man that gives me flashbacks. Especially getting ready for winter coming up. Might have to go dust that off and play.
Yup, it is very often that the risk trade-off favours starting early. There’s a term alpine start for a reason. Whether it’s impending weather later in the day, or snow conditions will warm increasing avalanche risk, or the objective is just so long you want to make sure you’re back down on the easy bit. Had the latter last month. Did a traverse is seven summits and even with the 6am start it was dark by the time we got down from the ridge and back into the valley. Trail ran our way out by headlamps, singing dumb songs to not spook any grizzlies. Such a good outing!
Mountain biking, beach, rock climbing, climbing gym, snowboarding, trail run, photo walk, games night, camping … I like where I live!
Knocking on the door of 40. I spent this week moving into my own new place after a decade of toxicity, so this one resonates with me as well.
I’m an architect. It’s nice having the project I’m actively working on always active on one screen, with design sketches, marked up revisions, email with comments from client, renderer etc. active on the other. Sure it only saves a second not having to tab back and forth, but if you’re doing it non stop all day it makes a big difference. Also just less effort.
Fine, Israel’s leader/government, as elected by its population, is on record. Does that make it better?
1% of the population is a lot of people. That’s tens of thousands of lives cut short. Kids who’ll never grow up, families torn apart, etc. Should that not elicit emotion? There’s plenty of videos of children and unarmed people trying to surrender or otherwise being shot. Seems like anyone and everyone to me.
Fun fact! Hysteria was originally thought to be a condition that only applied to women, hence the Greek root “hyster” for womb, as if that were the source of irrational emotion.
That’s a very good point, I’m sure most Israelis are lovely wonderful people despite the government and atrocities being committed. I bet most Palestinians are equally wonderful. Maybe we should be against indiscriminately killing them?
You mean the organization that Israel influenced the creation of through decades of mistreatment and mishandling of the situation? The same one Israel is on record saying it’s a good thing as it allows Israel to treat Palestine as a hostile state? Basically exactly what they’re doing now, killing anyone and everyone and just shrugging and saying “because hamas”?
Got my grandpa’s Minolta XE7 in the bag on my way to visit my daughter for the holidays. Not my oldest camera, but he’s not around anymore so there’s some nice sentiment capturing family moments with his camera. Security hand checked the film, no questions asked, so that’s nice. Couple rolls of HP5 to push for inside, and some Gold 200 if we get some sunny weather.
A few more for you that I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned: Kalaido Tycho Worakls The Cinematic Orchestra
I’m sure the picture I’m creating in my head is way more majestic than the reality was, but It’s beautiful. Sounds like after the fanny pack and socks he just said fuck it and leaned into it hard.
Same here. Have yet to find a reason to consider anything else.
Late reply better than never!
No special consideration needed really. I usually toss my 35mm film back in the containers it came in, and those go in a bubble mailer. Your lab will have additional instructions as to what what to include.
Any less than ideal conditions your film will encounter are generally pretty short and won’t mess up your film. Don’t store film in a hot place, but taking your camera on a beach day doesn’t ruin it in one go.
I use Canadian Film Lab for my colour stuff. They do good work, but at a premium though. They’re local ish to be so I suggest finding somewhere local that works for you to support.
Try not to be intimidated by the process. It’s supposed to be fun, and even though mistakes happen and disappointments are inevitable, learn from them and get that next roll going!
Oh parts of Canada are doing their best in that department as well.