Clearly not enough, if they’re desperate enough to lock client-side features behind a subscription.
My name’s Danny and I like biscuits.
Clearly not enough, if they’re desperate enough to lock client-side features behind a subscription.
Hopefully you will learn not to generalise so brazenly in future ;)
RCS is an open, standardised protocol implemented globally by the GSM. It isn’t beholden to an American company at all? The GSM takes advice from third parties (like the implementation of MLS) but acts independently. Yes, Google had a huge hand in the design and implementation of it but Google doesn’t own the standard protocol.
Not sure if you’re just joking… but it is vastly, vastly better than using a messaging platform owned by a for-profit company like Meta.
So because nobody in your life uses it, it doesn’t need to exist? What?
Are you the most important person on the planet, or just incapable of thinking that other people’s lives might be different to yours?
The point is to take the base communication technology (texting) and bring it to the 21st century without being beholden to some American company.
This would kill creativity.
Please learn some facts about how the CMA operates before discounting it.
The CMA is independent from the government - it does not have a minister calling the shots.
The encryption stuff is coming from the Home Office, which is directly government controlled.
The CMA and the Home Office aren’t working together at all - they don’t even share an office.
This is not “the government” saying this. It’s the independent competition and markets regulator known as the CMA which, whilst publicly funded, isn’t run by the government.
Interesting. I wonder what new mechanics the sequel will have? To be honest, a graphical improvement and more types of hose attachments would probably be enough to justify a sequel - but I wonder if they’re going to do more story stuff this time around? The original game had a fairly funny story, albeit entirely text-based.
Edit: found some more info
From the discord
We’re excited to announce the next chapter for PowerWash Simulator! Introducing…
✨ PowerWash Simulator 2! ✨
New Career
PowerWash Simulator 2 will feature a full 38 level career set across Muckingham, taking you to places old and new. From Lubri City to Pumpton, and everywhere in between!
Home(base) is where the heart is
There’s no place like home, and you’ll now have a base of operations. Somewhere to relax solo, or gather the team before you venture out to tackle the grime!
Split Screen has entered the chat!
PowerWash Simulator 2 will be getting some co-op updates, including split screen & shared online progression. Sit back and unwind with your partner in grime, or jump online and play with other washers to hose down the town.
Soap-erior Washing
The soap system has also been reworked for PowerWash Simulator 2, allowing your cleaning experience to feel more satisfying than ever. Foam up any dirty surface and easily wash it away with a smooth swipe of your washer.
PowerWash Simulator 2 will be coming to Steam, Xbox Series X|S, Windows Store, PlayStation 5 | Pro & Epic Games
It’s such a bizarrely American view to restrict people’s access to healthcare… I guess the US will never get free healthcare if healthcare is still seen as a privilege and not a right.
Everybody who gets vaccinated is documented as having gotten vaccinated, no?
So why can’t hospitals check the record and confirm that patients have been vaccinated? If they have, then everything’s fine. If they couldn’t get vaccinated for legitimate reasons, that’d be documented too.
The point is to ensure as many people are vaccinated as possible, not to prove a point about the efficacy of vaccines.
That said, I dislike the idea of healthcare being able to pick and choose, for any reason, not to treat someone. Then again I live in a sane country with free healthcare.
Is there actually any evidence of this happening? Isn’t this just a photo of a couple items upside down in a shop?
Praying for Smarttube
Holy crap.
I might finally be able to upgrade my Intel i7-4770 and Nvidia 1060…
I miss ten years ago, when Googlers jumped out of a plane whilst in a Google Glass video call and landed straight into IO. Yeah it was a gimmick, but it got us all talking.
I miss when Android was less mature and had a lot of catching up to do, and IO was the delivery of all the exciting enhancements coming to Android.
It’s hard to get excited when the biggest announcements this year will be… “We made our AI better, buy our phone and you’ll be able to use it”.
Pirate Guitar Pro, install it, and download the GP files from Ultimate Guitar. Easy.
Kinda sick of this meme. It’s not dead, it was replaced by Health Connect.
Google Fit was the ‘hub’ for fitness-related data for all apps. Developers could link their app to Fit so users had one place for all their health data.
Android took over Fit’s role and called it Health Connect, which is now out of beta. Health Connect is the API that developers now use to store their data in one centralised location on the user’s device.
If anything, this is just a logical next step. Should Google have just started with Health Connect? Obviously. but I think it works better as an Android service and not a Google one.
Google Fit is sticking around (for now), as a user app for tracking fitness. It uses Health Connect API to store data, and now other developers need to use Health Connect instead of the Fit API.
I take it you weren’t around for the Nexus 7 (first edition)?
Not for me :)
It’s important to me - I don’t use phone cases.
This never made it to outside the US, what exactly was it? (the linked help page doesn’t actually say)
Useless? Really?
Considering this service would be used predominantly for pirated games, I imagine they’re not willing to open that can of worms.