love the :3
love the :3
Another upside is the easy permission management.
You can revoke network access from your password manager to reduce attack surface; you can revoke camera access from your chat app to prevent accidentaly enabling it; You can restrict an app’s file system access to prevent unwanted changes; etc.
It’s not yet fit to protect from malicious apps, but it still finds some use.
If half of the shit is thrown out every week, less shit will be produced next week.
there are plenty today […] that would take a painless death in a heartbeat even if they aren’t clinically suicidal. Life is that bad for most people.
Most people aren’t suicidal, not even passively. A small minority is passively suicidal (and that minority is very loud on Lemmy and Reddit), but generally humans do enjoy life.
There are no reasons for it that do no begin and end in pure self interest.
Doing something out of self interest does not make it immoral. Creating art out of pure self interest doesn’t make it immoral either.
it would still be a selfish act to force a being into existence to experience joy as much as it would be to experience sorrow.
Forcing a being to exist is no more selfish than forcing a being not to exist.
Abortion is almost always the moral choice.
Are you implying context for this statement or do you really believe that creating new life is (almost always) immoral?
The vast majority of humans do find love.
Human lives are only valuable if they serve a purpose
Eh, the AfD has always, and still does, represent some extreme positions that the CDU is still far away from. Remember that the AfD was founded as an anti-EU party, a position they still hold. The CDU has only really copied the AfD when it comes to migration. Otherwise they are still very different.
Even the Merz CDU is left wing compared to US democrats. Remember all the social programs we have, for example public healthcare.
“ANDERE” ist auch nicht gekürzt
Die Stimmen für Parteien die die 5% Hürde nicht schaffen gehen verloren.
Context for the non-Germans: The CDU has led our government for 16 out of the last 20 years. The CDU leading is not a significant shift. But the pressure that’s being put on by the AfD is certainly an issue.
You can leave off your tinfoil hat; the surveys (by many different organisations) predicted this result fairly accurately.
Especially now with Blizzard moving their games back to Steam, running them on Linux doesn’t even require tinkering anymore.
R6 is in between an Arcade game and a Tactical Competitive Game
I think R6 is very far from an arcade game.
I actively played R6 and Overwatch for a while and then stopped. After a pause, coming back to Overwatch was no problem; below Master pretty much everyone is playing casually. Coming back to R6 however, was overwhelming. Everyone is playing strategically optimally, you have to play a lot, follow the meta, and be very focused to be able to play in mid to high ranks.
At least that’s my experience. R6 is not what I consider an arcade game.
NixOS and Guix are both very beginner-unfriendly. If you’re not very comfortable with Linux and its command line, I’d recommend against using them for personal systems.
But they would be a move to the left (coming from the current state, which is Republicans).
But apparently most American voters do not want to move left, not even an inch.
Fortunately the German constitution prevents people like you from determining others’ “right to live”.
Women are murdered less often than men. It’s simply irrational for women to be more afraid of being murdered than men are.
Providing expiration notifications costs Let’s Encrypt tens of thousands of dollars per year
Not doubting them, but I don’t understand how that’s possible.
Storing the email addresses and expiration dates takes an irrelevant amount of storage space, even if they had billions of cutomers.
Sending the emails should also not cost thousands, even if a significant amount of customers regularly let their certificates expire (which hopefull isn’t the case).
So where are the tens of thousands of yearly costs coming from?
I was working with Argon2 hashes, so it was the first thing to come to mind.