Epstein had blackmail, and as such was still a danger to the rich, even in jail. On the other hand, Luigi was just some guy with a gun who got lucky, if they can lock him up for the rest of his life, he doesn’t pose any danger.
Epstein had blackmail, and as such was still a danger to the rich, even in jail. On the other hand, Luigi was just some guy with a gun who got lucky, if they can lock him up for the rest of his life, he doesn’t pose any danger.
My understanding is that stimulants alleviates ADHD symptoms. That meth is a type of stimulant. And that specialized ADHD meds are based off of meth (according to my nurse mom and sister).
But also, I am being intentionally hyperbolic for the purposes of comedy.
Meth. Anything less will only result in eventual and catastrophic failure. Source: I have ADHD and have tried everything else, several times over.
I learned in the 2010s I think.
Why was this down voted? I want to see that happen, it would be hilarious.
Ah, yes, my arch rival. We meet for the first time.
I bet I can get that thing to run DOOM
When you get in, DM me and I will send you My friend code.
If I send you a fried code, can you send an invite my way too?
Solution: steal
And yet, Germany prefers to pollute the atmosphere with the smoke of coal and other fossil rules, than to simply maintain the storage of nuclear waste until a hole can be found or created.
In the mean time, you seem to be a big fan of burning coal instead, which only pollutes the atmosphere instead of easily storable material to be buried when we feel we have found a sufficient deep hole that no one is going to look in.
What’s wrong with nuclear?
A good one is vault hunters. Where it adds a rogue-like into the main gameplay loop of Minecraft, its a lot of fun.
You for got the mouth D:)