Too bad we don’t have any European CPUs, GPUs or anything else.
I hope the EU gets serious about that asap because we’ll need at least a decade to catch up to what Taiwan, US and S Korea is producing today
Too bad we don’t have any European CPUs, GPUs or anything else.
I hope the EU gets serious about that asap because we’ll need at least a decade to catch up to what Taiwan, US and S Korea is producing today
I saw a Project Farm video where they tested various AA batteries, alkaline and lithium.
One of the tests was how long each battery could run a fan with a constant energy draw and Varta Longlife got the worst score by far.
Those had a made in Indonesia label though, I don’t know if they have different plants in Germany with better specs under the same name.
Because he had €250.000
Or just let the US know that if they’re gonna tamper with your F35s you’ll put one F35 in a box and ship it to China. They’ll have a copy ready by next year and software cracked within the week
But have they tried Brawndo, the thirst mutilator? It’s got electrolytes!
Article doesn’t mention what’s proposed here or what the EU will provide to Ukraine in return.
Unless we see boots on the ground I don’t think Zelenskyy should be signing anything at this point
And yet if elections were to be held today the people responsible for this would easily hold office.
In fact, the minister responsible for this resigned at the time, then ran at the elections a few weeks later and was elected again by the people of the city with the most dead kids in this accident.
Someone’s about to apply The Formula. ABC= X
Those guys sure love banning things. They’re gonna lose track of all the things they’ve banned, unless they hire someone to tally all their bans.
Unless of course there’s a ban on that too
“Masked settlers” lol has the US copyrighted the word “terrorists” cause I don’t know how you can use any other word here wtf
Oh man, UT2004 was my fave arena death match back in the day, so much fun. Hope they release more!
Yeah I don’t know about that. A company with that much IP would just sell rights to the highest bidder and stay afloat for ages. If Nintendo sells even just one of their main franchises like Mario, Zelda, Pokémon etc they’re gonna be fine for a long time and someone else is gonna sue the emulator guys all the same.
For example Sega, who went basically belly-up decades ago just sued Memento Mori devs for copyright infringement of in-game mechanics.
It’s at the bottom of Google’s first page too
Don’t you have to touch the bow above the thing raising the strings to play the violin…?
I sense you’re trying to spin this in favor of one presidential candidate over the over.
Fuck Trump and all his MAGAts for a million reasons.
When it comes to Israel, they own the leadership of the WH, the HOR, the senate and the MOD, regardless of political affiliation. USA (and most of Europe) is currently Israel’s bitch, regardless of who’s supposedly at the wheel.
Open wide, America, Bibi’s balls are getting dry and your taxpayer dollars are the saliva that will moisturize them
I’m Greek and I always thought it’s derived from the words olo (whole, entire) and kafsi (to burn) so as to mean something that burns completely. A quick Google search seems to confirm this but I’m admittedly not an expert on the matter
The Saturn V could lift 141t to LEO…once. Also it’ll be at least another 5 years before we reach a stable max power version of Starship.
For example the Falcon 9 v1.0 first flew in 2010 and the current Block 5 version first flew in 2018 with more than double the LEO capacity when fully expendable.
If they configure Starship as fully expendable it can lift 250t to LEO (per SpaceX, so grain of salt there to be fair).
As for the shuttle, I love it to bits and I’m sad it had to be grounded. It was refurbishable but not really reusable and the massive liquid fuel tank was discarded in each flight.
Inb4 Apple sets up a 10 step review process behind 2 pay walls for anything anyone wants to sideload, again.
The orders should be clear: Allow anything to be installed without restrictions on apple mobile devices, including a different OS, or pay billions every month you don’t comply. Or leave EU market. We were fine before the iPhone, we’ll be fine after it.