Yeah, I really love people telling me I’m worth less than a “normal” person because my brain works differently so I should be grateful for whatever some capitalist shithead doles out to me.
Yeah, I really love people telling me I’m worth less than a “normal” person because my brain works differently so I should be grateful for whatever some capitalist shithead doles out to me.
I was stoked when the news media announced the death of that craggy old bitch. Easily among the worst fucking people to stain this planet.
They’re just mad that reality has a left-wing bias.
Translation: I was a mooching dirtbag for four years and called it protesting.
TIL activism is really just a dick-waving competition.
No, just another stupid cunt on the Internet cosplaying revolutionary.
That guy sounds like he thinks his kids owe him money for raising them. Disregard the stupid bastard.
Suggesting someone reevaluate their friendship with a person who is causing feelings of discomfort and anger is an ideology now?
I thought people who took Destiny seriously were a myth.
All this shit could be said of every other country in the world. Americans don’t have the market cornered on being a prick.
I watched a Chinese tour group practically destroy a museum exhibit. Germans don’t tip. Some Brits still carry a colonial attitude when it comes to people of color. We had to ban an Indian family from this restaurant I worked at because they thought they could bring the caste system with them on their vacation. In my early twenties, I almost got into fist fight with a Russian guy who didn’t understand why I couldn’t break his $20 with the money in my till.
Go out into the world and actually interact with people instead of painting broad stereotypical strokes on the Internet. You’ll see the capacity for being an asshole isn’t relegated to one nationality or ethnicity.
I don’t think it’s unfair to have those kinds of feelings towards incredibly toxic people. The first step to treating mental illness is being aware of the issue. Good luck getting a malignantly narcissistic pieces of shit like the Tate brothers to be aware of anything except their bank accounts.
It’d be a real shame if the Uber they pick up at the airport spun out and hit a bridge embankment before bursting into flames with the driver miraculously escaping unharmed.
King’s Field 1 and 2.
No King’s Field, no Demon Souls and basically every other game that has made From a household name.
My elderly relatives type like that when they want to make sure people know they’re very serious people with important opinions about the price of milk and Barack Obama being a secret homosexual.
Pimento olives. The parsley of shit mid-20th century American “food”.
I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.
That’s a real verbose way to tell me you’re mad.
I wish I believed in Hell, because the idea of Milton Friedman getting raked over hot coals for eternity is extremely satisfying.