1979 Sanyo Record Player. It was my mom’s and she bought it in high school
1979 Sanyo Record Player. It was my mom’s and she bought it in high school
I use the Books app from a downloaded file on iOS
Awesome, thanks!
Interesting I’ll have to look into that. I noticed that I could barely find anything from my normal sites as they are primarily for video.
I figured it out. An update messed with my qBit configuration. I had to nuke the app data and rebuild the image and it worked like a charm
netstat -tunlp | grep
I got back a tcp/tcp6 with the docker_proxy and the PIDs. I killed the processes and then rebuilt the container and it still has the same problem. This was working with no changes on my end for months.
Actually, it may not be my VPN. I was able to get it to run with a nordlynx container. It seems that there is something up with my qbittorrent container. It updated in the last 2 weeks and I all of a sudden started to get this error:
Web UI: Unable to bind to IP: localhost, port: 8090. Reason: Unsupported socket operation”.
I tried to delete the image and re-pull and nothing seems to be working.
Do these work for live shows?
Yeah, I’m in Pittsburgh and the calls for even Tomlin’s head feel deafening at times. That’s interesting about laying the groundwork there, that’s really cool. I wonder who will show up.
It’s funny. Also a Steelers fan and think Canada needs to go, but not in the way that /r/steelers does.
I replaced it with a number of communities, but I still need to use reddit for NFL news. I’m a massive fan and that community is not going to make the jump
I use 1337 for discographies, random blogspot websites for flac concert bootlegs
This actually worked like a charm. I actually used it for modding an Xbox before. Totally forgot about it
It was one of the cases where the movie was better than the book it was based on
Intellij for backend, VS Code for front end
That combat system is dope once you get like 25 hours in lol
On hope
Netflix, Hulu (No Ads), Plex, Max, Spotify, and Prime. Sometimes Apple TV. And Sling for NFL Red Zone in the fall
Firefox for Android
Standing up feels like the check engine light comes on