Lemmy at home, reddit at work. Lemmy has WAY too much porn on the main page for work…
Lemmy at home, reddit at work. Lemmy has WAY too much porn on the main page for work…
Every server room has an EPO (Emergency Power Off) button. Kills all power to the server room, so this job would be a breeze…
Also we affectionately call the EPO the “I Quit Button”
About time! Now the rest of the states that don’t have major seismic/weather activity please follow.
Been prepping for years just in case this happens. Scary to see its possible.
When staple foods (rice/wheat/beans/corn) inflate in price the poor starve.
LOL, see what I mean! He has so many bands I just assumed it was one I over looked!
He puts out so much music its hard to keep up. Then all his collaborations it gets overwhelming trying to take it all in.
I’ll check out Melted Bodies tonight after I get a bite to eat. Thank you for the recommendation!
Always liked his voice too and Geddy Lee.
Mike Patton, he has one of the largest vocal octave ranges in music.
Those eyes can see beyond this plane of existence.
I have a friend that has tourrette’s we have drag him kicking and screaming to go out. Its a horrible affliction, and he has one of the mildest forms. Just random head ticks no outbursts. Also he won’t drink as the ticks become more frequent and extreme.
But we’ll be damned that he stays hold in his house. After we get him out he enjoys himself once his nerves calm down and he realizes nobody is staring when he ticks.
apples security is clown shoes.
Fappening 3.0 incoming
/apples security is a joke.
We always have room for pud…
Only if they use a screen capture from the Bilbo Baggins music video…
We need Kurt Russell ASAP w/ a sombrero and a helo.
/I bought that sombrero, 600$. I can’t afford a helo sorry to say. But I want to cosplay his character. Great movie!
El queso esta viejo y podrido.
Donde esta el sanitario?
And the T-virus will be here in 3… 2… 1…
Same HK and S China, never seen them either. HK makes sense considering the GB influence but I wanted to flex I have been to HK (before the chaos). What an amazing city it was… sobs
I was part of that purge, accounts I never post on. Only mod some small subs, they nuked them all.