Somehow mkinitcpio broke my initramfs the other day when I installed the latest microcode updates. Took me like an hour to debug the issue and boot from the fallback 😑. That’s the first time I’ve had an issue like that though. I’ve been using arch for a few years now.
Have you tried the Pop Shell gnome extension? It allows you to toggle i3wm like window tiling. It’s also similar to Rectangle on macOS
Second using twitch for music! I bounce around between djs or that lofi channel with the girl playing games in space
Why use this over Spotify? I don’t actually own music so is there any advantage for me?
Oh interesting how does the federation process work? I’m not even able to find this community/magazine by searching from my instance. When I search for it it shows no results. If I search for I only see about 10 or so magazines
Same! Each day is “is it a gym day or cardio day”
For me it’s about making it a routine and part of your daily life. I started out with 3 days a week lifting and now do 3 days lifting and 3 days cardio. I find it’s easier to stick to and enjoy if it’s something I do everyday. The other thing I’ve noticed is you really need to pay attention to nutrition and sleep too. Working out is a lot easier/ more enjoyable if you are providing your body with the nutrients it needs and getting enough sleep. If you just eat junk food you’re going to feel like junk when you workout
I’m in the same boat. I use mostly stock gnome to avoid experiencing bugs. I used KDE for a bit and loved it but never really loved how many options the settings gave me. I would also constantly run into issues with the docks disappearing when unplugging monitors. In contrast docks on gnome just work. I really only use the Ubuntu dock extension on gnome
Yeah but on a high end computer they will look absolutely sick
I feel like I’m a worse person when I’m playing league with chat enabled. I have to play with everyone muted to not get tilted. It kind of defeats the purpose of playing a multiplayer game
Monster Hunter world
Doom 2016
Doom eternal
The Witcher 3
It’s a bit easier to generate them through the iCloud web UI. Although similar to your point, it’s hidden in the account settings section for some reason. It honestly makes me want to use something else. The only thing it has going for it is that it’s included with icloud+
I don’t trust myself to not lose my entire Bitwarden vault in a house fire or failed hard drive
How sensitive do you set the gyro? Are you primarily aiming/looking around with gyro and only using trackpad to sweep or move to a general location like with flick stick? Or is it more like 80% moving around with trackpad and fine aiming with gyro?
Is this a similar concept to NewPipe?
No. I really hope a few million users move over to lemmy and make it a bigger platform. I want to see more diverse content more frequently. I don’t need infinite content like on Reddit but I don’t want to see the same posts days in a row.
Yeah the anticheat issue is very annoying. These games would run great on Linux if devs didn’t implement kernel level anticheat or would enable EAC / BattleEye support for proton. From what I can tell (just reading the docs) it seems extremely easy for devs to enable it. Maybe 1-2 hours of work.
I don’t think I could ever give up GUI completely. I would not be able to work without GUI tools for coding, making presentations, editing documents, etc. I don’t want to memorize terminal commands for things that are easier / quicker to get done with a GUI. Also, what about gaming?
Ah sorry lemmy code sanitation is changing it. I added a note below it.