So they took hostages and are wondering why there is a war going on
Seems peace would be simpler if people didn’t take hostages
So they took hostages and are wondering why there is a war going on
Seems peace would be simpler if people didn’t take hostages
We sell remote control radios to industry. I’ve spent a week talking a global customer about their issues. 1 bit is wrong in their data stream.
Typing more isn’t always doing more.
Don’t forget hydro
Looking at the oral stories of North American natives and comparing them to what we know of historical geological events, we see some truth to the stories. So it’s plausible some stories of the Old Testament could have some historical roots.
That was amazing… so much free time and hydro!
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This is my favourite theory of these https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sea_deluge_hypothesis
Up vote for Hawkins Cheezies
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The feel-good ‘we might actually avoid dictatorship’ circle jerk isn’t going to carry her campaign all the way to November.
You think Trump is going to give up on being a dictator by then. Some miracle of logic will grow out of his pile of BS.
The whole election is defend democracy or lose it. There are no other topics.
It’s been going on for years. People just make dumb decisions trying to get as close to the water as possible.
Are you suggesting they make a coed league where only the best get to play. How many female players will make the league.
Once the government changes policy will change too
How about all the aggression Iran shows to Israel and the whole region.
Killing and barring entrance are very different. Security clearances and need are big factors
Pretty sure sitting VP out ranks all but sitting president
My ex was an operating room nurse. She had a few choice stories.
Dude came in with an English cucumber stuffed so far up there they needed to knock him out to remove it. It’s all slithery and soft. It was literally baked.
My ex used to love cucumber. Chow down on them all the time. Not after that.
“Fri” them and that will be their “end”