That should work for media files at least, but I believe they’ll also need Plex pass to be able to download anything.
Absolutely, that is definitely preferred when possible!
Ahh excellent, I’ll definitely be checking that out. Thank you!
The charge limiting, is it in the settings somewhere? I haven’t seen anything about it
Is this new? I tried to figure out how to do that a while ago but couldn’t find anything about it
Things like turning off wifi and/or turning on airplane mode can make a big difference (when you’re not needing connectivity of course) The cell modem can really eat away battery life if you have a poor signal. And for my pixel tablet, turning off wifi means the battery can last for a couple weeks instead of a couple days. Heck, turning it off if you won’t be using it for more than a few hours can help too.
She could have, like, opened the door…
Same, we’re ones of dozens I’m sure but I’ve been running a mix of WD greens and Seagate barracudas in a hardware RAID5 array for over a decade. Only had 2 drive failures over the entire time with no data loss. But yeah… would advise against that if possible
Very true, could also try drying the filament as well.
I’m interested in this as well
It’s weird, a little quirky, and can be a unpredictable at times. It all adds to charm though and I love it.
The progressive web app had ui issues after the update so I uninstalled it and now I can’t figure out how to reinstall it 😕 tried wefwef but that doesn’t load anything and can’t log in. Happily staying patient though, hoping things smooth out!