Trump - “Israel should finish the job”
Israel - “Well, if you insist!”
Wonder what would be happening if we had President Harris right now. I mean, this attack would probably still be happening but at least under her protesting would be legal.
Trump - “Israel should finish the job”
Israel - “Well, if you insist!”
Wonder what would be happening if we had President Harris right now. I mean, this attack would probably still be happening but at least under her protesting would be legal.
Unfortunately no one with the power to do anything about this war gives a flying fuck what the UN HRC thinks.
Not mentioned in the article. No link to the letter itself either.
At this point the number of people who’ve been caught doing this is vastly more important than picking apart each one frame-by-frame.
But in about 6 months all the logos will turn rainbow-colored again.
Didn’t expect to see that 3 relatives were involved
I guess empathy is toxic
More like 22% when you look at the numbers. 40% of the electorate could give two shits who runs the country.
Federal Government: <exists>
Texas: “and I took that personally”
Everyone overcharges when it’s a government contract, which is annoying enough because everyone acts like it’s not their money that they’re stealing, but this is just obscene.
Aren’t there arrest warrants against George W. Bush from like 20 years ago? This is just more talk that won’t be backed up by any meaningful action because of how trivially easy it is to avoid going to these countries.
Given the root of the problem is “religion” this may not be as simple as we want it to be.
Yeah but take the small wins where you can get them. This is a good thing and we should celebrate even if for a short moment.
Liam Neeson tried eating Trix and got his ass beat.
Stay safe OP!
Feeling kinda neutral on this one. Nice that it’s added but I always liked that Nintendo games didn’t have these. I can just tell people I beat the SMS Plinko game.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange won the right to challenge a British court’s decision to extradite him to the U.S. to face espionage charges
Emphasis mine, since the headline is poorly worded. He didn’t win an appeal, the court agreed that he can appeal. He still could be shipped off to the US and then eventually <blacksite prison name not found>.
Watching the GN video was insane because I had that exact same experience with ASUS 10 years ago. Back when they made the Nexus 7. I had to RMA 3 of those dam things and each time I had to go through that song and dance with the RMA forms. I think when the 4th one failed I just gave up, recycled it, and moved on from this company as a whole.
Looks like nothing’s changed, which means this way of treating their customers is endemic at this point. They’re a lost cause.
McConnell has already said
Let me stop you right there, because this man has already shown his word doesn’t mean anything. It shifts with the political winds.
Democrats have to win in a lot of red states this time around. I’d be over the moon if that happened, but maybe we should have a backup plan in case Democrats lose in Ohio, Montana and Texas.
Even if you hate Biden because of Israeli support
i.e. don’t be a single-issue voter.
We’re past the point where that matters, but to be completely honest if you need more than “this one was at least willing to pretend to listen and this other guy will just deport you” I’m not skilled enough in debating to get you there. All I can do is comment on where we are.
And sadly this is just the restarting of the war. In the coming weeks and months I’m afraid that we’re going to see even more stark differences between what Trump does and what Harris would’ve done instead.