Im Artikel steht, dass sein Vermögen nach seinem Tod in eine gemeinnützige Stiftung übergeht, also je nachdem was die dann mit dem Geld machen vielleicht schon
Im Artikel steht, dass sein Vermögen nach seinem Tod in eine gemeinnützige Stiftung übergeht, also je nachdem was die dann mit dem Geld machen vielleicht schon
GNU Image Manipulation Program
What did it say?
I’d like to add the longest German one-syllable word: schleichst
How to treat a collapsing trachea in chihuahuas
Not sure if I’m the chihuahua or the one treating the chihuahua in this case
You sound like spiritualist empires in Stellaris
Not standup, but a comedy improv group: shoot from the hip.
They have a lot of stuff on youtube
Seems like someone took “the children yearn for the mines” a bit too seriously
I mean it is radiation, just like 5G signals, and y’know, light
Ah, a new esolang
I’d say Idun’s apples for the immortality, but those aren’t a deity/being, so I guess Idun? Maybe that works too
Yes, of course, I’ve also recently been trying to use the command line as much as possible
Well in Germany people joke that Bielefeld doesn’t exist, so there’s that. I feel like there’s a lot of different themed places that exist in many countries though, like “the incest place” (Alabama in the US, Saarland in Germany)
The last one’s very similar to a german saying: “Was man nicht im Kopf hat, muss man in den Beinen haben.”
That literally translates to “What you don’t have in your head, you have to have in your legs.”
Glad that you got it working. I haven’t played jc4, but from what I’ve seen of it I think that jc3 is vastly superior to jc4
Nobody I know in Germany uses lach
I’ve recently installed arch in a VM and it didn’t take more than 8GB. That’s with firefox and vscode installed
Right, you can also make a sector into a vassal
Either Till It’s Over or Once Again by Tristam