One dog in my current line of work is too much already usually. However I always love it and makes me happy to give my attention to a pup. But I’d say in general no. Too many cooks.
One dog in my current line of work is too much already usually. However I always love it and makes me happy to give my attention to a pup. But I’d say in general no. Too many cooks.
Hey you sound just like me. If your going to move, perhaps somewhere like PA? It’s got the benefit of being a battleground state, and there’s more than enough rural areas, even relatively close to the cities, where you can continue your hermitage. I’m doing something similar (:
Active addiction and the hopelessness of hunger, legal trouble, and flexing my principles in order to function.
China is the high-water mark of human governance!!
Don’t forget to collect your college credits on the way out!
Where the jewels?!
Guitar and guitarcirclejerk lol
Consciousness is wild. I’m pretty sure I can feel all of you in my head, for sure.
Ahh I see the strategy. Put out this trafficking movie, hype dems as pedos (and commies) and stir up a whole terd of doo doo. Classic.
I’m not uploading my ID to shit.
Both probably. Rules depends on the situation. Pushing them is how we make change in the world. Overall I’m a good boy. Passive. I will do whatever to keep the peace. But I have a rebellious streak in me, and a self loathing one apparently, and ended up with a criminal history. I am pretty meek and quiet but if you get me going I will take a stand. I think perhaps I became too flaccid at a certain point. But I’ve pretty much hung out with “rule breakers” my entire life up until this point now that you frame it this way. Some wild ones, too. I can’t blame them at all, mostly. It just depends on which side of the law your on tbh. There is way too much nuance to this lol.
As far as social expectations as rules I usually fail miserably, but can act good enough usually. I have always avoided people. Which is why I like to come here, cause I get to write this out and now I actually feel some type of way.
Make a meal, you will get better at it every time and figure out your own method and feel. New things I use recipes for as reference. At first you will just wanna take your time and don’t stress yourself out.
It took me a while to realize how fundamentally important boundaries were to my mental health and well being. It’s super simple, so its often overlooked. It solves many many issues.
Hand tools. Wool socks. Fire extinguisher.
Some of them do. That’s the problem. Those people at the core are fascists with a cult following, some manipulated, others true believers. Religious dogma that isn’t acceptance is dangerous af for the human mind.
Jesus was a leftist
He doesn’t even lie as far as I’m concerned.
“Were gon be shitty and tribal cuz muh nature”
Absolutely. This is the only social media I use, cause i get really good stipulation here, otherwise I ignore my phone and have largely cut a lot of the b s out of my life. I’m a recluse by nature, so I feel you all the way.
I actually don’t have a Nintendo, but I saw Gothic and just had to comment. Lol.
Just come to terms, probobly through traumatic events, that all life is is rejection. Then there is no rejection. There all done!