I’m gonna need you to do that about 100 more times and with different communities. Just so I can add them. Jerboa search is wonky lol
I’m gonna need you to do that about 100 more times and with different communities. Just so I can add them. Jerboa search is wonky lol
I thought this was gonna be a post about feeling the burden of wage slavery and debt necessity, which is a real thing. But you’re right, it sounds like they’re upset because they can’t say the n-word on Facebook lol
It is slow. But it is OK as a spotify hub for house parties
So can trains. Ahooga
That’s literally the first thing I thought of while looking at that picture. There’s no good reason for this. Bananas serve many purposes from green to yellow to black. Moreover, that “one per day” gimmick won’t even give you the same ripeness.
That top down explanation is pretty funny and accurate. Everyone is a Tankie to fascists.
How can I pirate your life as well?
Ooh, could you tell me how I could check that?
Dammit, I came in here because I was hoping there was something I could do with my old paperweight. I keep it around cuz it’s cute lol
Holy fuck, I just wanted to read this article and the website nearly gave me an aneurysm! Who the fuck ever thought an uncloseable animated border ad would be a good idea?
Someone pirate the article for the rest of us. Jesus
Who are the white supremacists he sold to?
Message me what you are trying to download. I’ll look through my archives and see if I have it and send you a link later tonight.