The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • the character models were as weird looking as you’d expect from the era

    Oh sure! Love the lowpoly/pre-rendered backgrounds aesthetic. The aliasing thing I mentioned earlier is just a “petpeeve” of mine, I can’t stand the jagged edges / lack of antialiasing. The rough pixel edges of the modes look so out of place when the pre-rendered backgrounds are so smoothly antialiased.

    Though, there’s an argument to be made that when playing in modern high resolution, the character models are a lot sharper than the upscaled/blurry backgrounds :D

    Some of the puzzles are obtuse to the extreme, and silly. There’s one that’s almost legendarily bad, so it has that bit of history if you’re interested lol.

    I guess same goes for pretty much every point&click adventure game, sometimes you just need to be in the same “headspace” as the puzzle designer to get it, otherwise you just don’t.

    But, sure I’m down for some history of a bad puzzle! I love obscure tidbits of old games.

  • same deal, favorites change according to mood, but there are overall few mainstays:

    Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis.

    It’s a childhood favorite I return to every now and then. It’s a point&click adventure, and to me it’s essentially the 4th (and last) Indiana Jones movie. :D

    Apart from one or two bad bits the game pulls, it’s otherwise pretty logical from start to finish. 3 different paths from mid to late game, and mostly good voice acting (for the time). I know the game by heart at this point, but still it feels fun to play, every time. Nostalgia-goggles probably play a big part.

    kinda spoilery descriptions of said bad bits
    • there’s a “puzzle” where you need to go back and forth trading items between 2 characters, until eventually some hint from the recipient drops. Not hard, just… tedious.
    • the hot air balloon controls are bad. Not impossible to use, but just imprecise for no real gameplay reason.
    • if you didn’t LOOK at one specific Atlantean cupboard’s door, you have no clue how to solve a later puzzle. Though, you can return to the cupboard, but nothing hints there being instructions for the later puzzle on it.

    Cyberpunk 2077

    I know it’s a divisive game, don’t care, works for me. The bleak vibes of the game just speak to me. Have played it through several times since launch, occasionally still find new things here and there. Not the deepest rpg around, but a good action-rpg with neonlights.

    Unnamed Space Idle

    I’ve been on this idle/timewaster for way over a year, slow progress raising the numbers all the time. Sure it’s a bit low on gameplay, but absolutely neat little game to occasionally click few times when watching some longform content or so.

  • Ye. Ut99 weapons were pretty much all great. Personally I didn’t really like the goo gun, but others made it an absolute beast. The sniper rifle ended up being hilariously good at range and stupidly deadly at close range as headshots seemed to trigger on any hit above belly. The buzzaw throwing thing was nifty for the bouncing shots, but iir the headshots with that required hits to the forehead… Which still cut the heads off from the neck. Felt weird that

    I guess the default pistol was a bit weak, but dual pistols was decent upgrade to it.

  • if you enjoy stealth games, sure!

    The main idea is that Styx is smaller than humans, so direct combat is never an option. Stealth takedowns, traps and such are the tools here. The enemies are delightfully stupid: sure, once you’ve been spotted they give you a chase and smack you about, but they also go back to their patrols if you manage to escape and hide for a bit. The usual “huh, must have been the wind” thing.

    Gameplay can be a bit quicksave/quickload if that’s how you want to play it. Levels are generally huge, but end up somewhat being obstacle courses with few routes which zigzag around the direct path through them.

    The games are a bit “eurojank”, sure, but imo, very enjoyable. But I am the kind of gamer who takes hours per level just so they can knock out EVERYBODY in the level, without raising alarms, just because that’s fun to me, so I might be a bit biased. :P

    All in all, since you already got them, give them a whirl? The first levels tell you pretty fast if you like the gameplay or not.

  • I’ve played 2k21 and 2k23, both pretty fine for casual/beer golfing with friends while absolutely trash talking to them in voice chat. It’s pretty great… but:

    The absolutely only reason I got 2k23 was because the 2k21 had stayed full price ever after the 2k23 released, so those of my friend group who didn’t already have the game didn’t (understandably) want to cough up 60-70€ for the game. Once 2k23 got a reasonable sale, we all got that as it was more affordable - but functionally identical to the older game.

    I’m going to assume the same pattern will repeat, and it’s only because of the in-game mtx which they want you to buy AGAIN, for basically the same game but with different number in the title. To my beer-gaming group the mtx stuff is entirely irrelevant, we just play with whatever gear the game gave us from the get go, this isn’t equipment-race.

  • Well, it’s a gametype/genre I tend to enjoy greatly - so I can probably overlook quite a bit of jank/issues/whatevs and still get some enjoyment out of it. First round was the “blind go”, second round I wanted to see what can be done differently and what kinds of different outcomes there are. IIRC not much changes when doing stuff differently. Admittedly the second round around was bit of a slog - I think I played it through, but not 100% of it.

    To me the “okay” means more of a “more fun than not”. The game isn’t great by any means, but it’s not also off-putting to play, but I don’t feel like I need to re-install the game ever again. Also, the game isn’t terribly long either.

    But, opinions, everybody has them. :)

  • I’m not trying to bust your chops or anything.

    didn’t take it as such, no worries. We cool? :)

    And I bet the whole “'murica” stuff is quiiite a bit more prevalent.

    Aaaaanyhoo, feels like these kinda drunklol games are pretty much just youtuber/streamer-bait for cheap giggles - and I do watch quite a bit of gaming content so these things are kinda inescapable. Oh well. Old man yells at cloud. :P