Ok guy. Have a fun day rigorously parsing internet comments .
Ok guy. Have a fun day rigorously parsing internet comments .
Their family members did is my point. The ones who are citizens . Those guys. Get my point?
These people voted for him and he doesn’t give a shit about them. We’re all in very deep trouble .
It kills me when I download a simple app to my phone that’s 60 mb. When I was a child we built the world off 1.44 mb floppies. How did we stray so far from God’s light?
We have a new car with a $600 payment and with insurance and fuel it’s close to a thousand a month. However , it is our only car, I’ve prepaid the maintenance , and we plan to keep it at least ten years . Hearing about families who’s loan payments alone are multiple thousands of dollars just boggles my mind .
Oologies. A charming interviewer talks to experts in various disciplines.
And your trust in systems is admirable but flawed.
And you think Elmo hasn’t already purged the computer records? Sweet summer child.
OP delivered. Thanks OP.
A bunch of those funds turn around and buy our agricultural products. Should be a fun year in the heartland.
Oooh let’s make this the new horse paste. Imagine all the conservatives basking in their rotten egg farts.
Keva Lagos from The Last Emperoux by John Scalzi. Brilliant, profane, and aggressively sex positive. She steals the attention from every page she’s on.
I had an issue with my urethra and was referred to the top urologist on the west coast for surgery. Of all the things that can go wrong with the urinary tract, about half his work was repairing mangled meat left over from attempted enlargement surgeries. Given the failure rate of biologically derived dongs, the fact that he spent half his time straightening out beefstick tartar was pretty incredible.
He did a great job on me, I can pee normally and fathered a rugrat, and fortunately I’ve always been happy with my love lizard. Except for the brief period after surgery where he pointed out that since he’d had to remove about an inch of urethra my first few erections would be “uncomfortable”. That face you are making reading that sentence is precisely right.
Peak iron chef was when they had some kind of rare lobster and one chef boiled ten pounds of them to make stock for a soup. Like $10,000 of lobster for a soup. It was bananas .
Think about attending the funerals if you need the closure but you’re under no obligation.
A November report from the Federal Salary Council, which advises on government pay, found that federal salaries were one-fourth lower than those in the private sector.
People take government jobs because the benefits are pretty good and the job security is second to none. Take that away and the workers will leave the market and never come back. DOGE is permanently disabling the organs of the federal government in real time in ways that are not possible to repair.
They do undermine executive authority . Which is the entire fucking point.