Try heroin lol
Try heroin lol
So that’s where all the damn Pi4s went.
Should have fucking CoMpLiED.
LOL idiots BG3 is DRM Free just get the GOG installer, surely people mirror that shit, I’ve seent it before.
Back in those days you could solo make it on your lunch break a prototype and go “hey! Game! Make money!” And that was it you’d be giving a 8ball and a weekend to finish it and that was that.
Look you say “X user” and im thinking X11 Windowing system. Stop trying to make X happen.
Nintendo switch says “sup?”
Larian has always been “based” ever since Divine Divinity ages ago.
AI will start accidentally creating new slang which the young generation will start incorporating ironically until it sticks to the point us old heads will start saying it unironically (like how my 40 year old ass been saying ‘yeet’ lately) and then boom, it’s part of the normal language.
I bought a decent dock for it so it kinda spends more time plugged into TV than not but yeah had one for about 6 months still use it.
I’m banking (ha) that most web dev is lazy and won’t change shit that isn’t broken. It’ll be YouTube mainly since Google hasn’t figured out how to stop uBlockO.
Most other websites are probably not worth it and the Internet is designed day one to route around damage. A whole bunch of Blogspam SEO sites banning Firefox is a win.
Otherwise they’re be a addon extensions for Firefox developed in a week probably to “fake” it.
Shit. Can’t unsee it.
Cast this guy as a Jim Carrey in the past or his son pronto.
People dress up as cowboys now. Go to your local Walmart.
Speaking of, why the fuck aren’t they shamed into the shadow realm like I would be if I dressed as a samurai while getting the bread and milk?
Anyway that’s my answer, Samurai.
As if they work. I’ll take the bet none of em are functional. Not with Russia’s extreme corruption.
NES is one I think is on the verge of “not holding up” vs SNES/Genesis where you can just release a game for it now and it would still do well for an indie.
Still, solid enough library. Favorite game is Jackal.
Actually didn’t know that but makes perfect sense.
Sheogorath strikes again